My name is Mike Johnson. I have preached the gospel of Christ for 45 years. During this time, I have preached for five different congregations in Alabama , for one church in North Carolina, and another in Virginia. Currently, I am a member of the Gooch Lane Church of Christ in Madison, Alabama. I continue to do what I can in teaching the Word of God.
I own and maintain this site. It is presented in the interest of truth and righteousness and is intended as a tool for the teaching of God’s Word. Permission is given to use or link to any of the material for non-commercial purposes only.
During the time I have preached, I have written numerous articles and have been the editor of many church bulletins. Most of the articles were for these teaching bulletins. Some were passed out to the congregation each Sunday, some appeared in various newspapers, while others were mailed to the community. I continue to write. My desire is for more people to gain from this material, and hopefully, this site will help facilitate that end.
In this category, there are articles by other writers. The first section is called Sword Swipes, which are typically shorter articles, and there is a section of spiritually oriented poems. There is also a section called Illustrations. These are short articles focused around an illustration. There is also a more recent grouping called Articles, consisting of longer writings by various authors.
First, there is the Bible Message section. I wrote many of these messages to be a part of a Dial a Bible Message program, which was started when I preached for the church in Newton, NC. These audio messages are usually from one to five minutes in length.
Found also in this section are longer recorded sermons by various preachers. I have also been trying to “rescue” sermons. There are copies of many sermons around which are recorded only on a cassette tape, and eventually, due to changing technology may never be heard again. I have taken a number of these and transferred them to my computer and put them on this website. I hope to continue doing this in the future.
Another category is “Desktop Sermons.” I recorded these messages in my office, separately from an audience.
Resources and Link
This section includes links to other useful web pages and other study material.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.
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