“Ain’t It Funny”

* How we set our clocks to arise at 5:00 A.M. to be at the job by 7:30; yet, when Sunday comes, we can’t get to the church building for the 9:00 A.M. Bible study to learn more about the one who gave us our jobs.

* How we call God our Father and Jesus our brother, but find it hard to introduce them to our family and friends.

* How small our sins seem, but how big “their” sins are.

* How we demand justice for others but expect mercy from God.

* How much difficulty some have learning the gospel well enough to tell others, but how simple it is to understand and explain the latest gossip about someone else.

* How we can’t think of anything to say when we pray but don’t have any difficulty thinking of things to talk about to a human friend.

* How we are so quick to take directions from a total stranger when we are lost but are hesitant to take God’s direction for our lives.