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Posts from May 2016

39 Items

God’s Perfect Law of Liberty

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God’s Perfect Law of Liberty Mike Johnson James 1:25 says, “But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.”  This verse reveals some important points about God’s perfect law […]

How Do You View Sin?

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How Do You View Sin? Mike Johnson In our society today, there is often acceptance of sin. In the past, however, shame was often associated with sin. Today, it is common for people to openly engage in sinful practices, not even attempting to hide them. For example, although now prevalent, a couple living together was […]

Looking Into God’s Mirror (James 1:22-25)

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Looking Into God’s Mirror (James 1:22-25) Mike Johnson Mirrors are everywhere.  Most bathrooms have a mirror.  They also may be strategically placed in various places in a house.  We see them in stores, they are in our automobiles,  and a woman will often carry a mirror in her purse.  It is not usually difficult to […]

A Smile

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A Smile A smile costs nothing but gives much.  It enriches those who receive without making poorer those who give.  It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.  None is so poor but that he can be made rich by it.  A smile creates happiness in the home, fosters good […]

Could It Be True?

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Could It Be True? We heard of a man in Texas who would not consent to having his name placed before the congregation to serve as an elder.  This was his reason. “I drink quite a bit and love to dance.  I am also inclined to gamble, and my attendance is not what it should […]

A Work With Purpose

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A Work With Purpose  A man who ran a lumber yard was in the process of hiring a foreman.  Three men applied for the job.  They each were assigned the task of moving a pile of brick from one side of the lumberyard to the other.  Upon completion of this task, they were told to […]

The Person Down the Road

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The Person Down the Road In thirty, forty, or fifty years you’ll meet a person down the road.  Whether that someone is kind and gentle or selfish and demanding depends on what you do today.  If you live only in terms of what you can get out of life, this person will be crabby, self-centered, […]


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Trust Said the robin to the sparrow, I would really like to know Why these anxious human beings Rush about and worry so. Said the sparrow to the robin, Friend, I think that it must be That they have no heavenly Father Such as cares for you and me.             […]

An Alarming Death Notice!

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An Alarming Death Notice! We are sorry to announce the passing of Mr. Midweek Service.  He died recently at the Neglected Church on Ho Hum Avenue.  Born many years ago, he was once strong and healthy.  He grew as he was fed on zeal and sincere Bible study.  His influence was felt worldwide, and he […]

Money Will Buy

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Money Will Buy A bed, but not sleep. Books but not brains. Food but not appetite. Finery but not beauty. A house but not a home. Medicine but not health. Luxuries but not culture. Amusements but not happiness. Religion but not salvation.

What Is Personal Work?

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What Is Personal Work? It is discussing the cause of Christ with a friend. It is handing out a tract on a particular subject. It is inviting an acquaintance to attend worship with you. It is telling and showing your neighbor the happiness of being a Christian. It is ringing doorbells on Sunday afternoon in […]


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Sometimes “If times are hard, and you feel blue, Think of the others, worrying too: Just because your trials are many, Don’t think the rest of us don’t have any. Life is made up of smiles and tears, Joys and sorrows, mixed with fears; And though to us it seems one-sided, Trouble is pretty well […]

How to Make a Failure out of Life

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How to Make a Failure out of Life Follow the line of least resistance. Be neutral on moral and spiritual issues.  Straddle the fence. Alienate yourself from the church membership. Go to church when you “feel” like it and when it is most convenient. Indulge you carnal appetites. Take it easy on Sunday and never […]

How to Make Your Bible Study More Interesting and Helpful

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How to Make Your Bible Study More Interesting and Helpful It is hard to find time to study the Bible–or even want to– when we don’t find it interesting or helpful to us.  Let me make some suggestions that may help. A Plan – Set aside some time (each day, if possible) to study the […]

Green Side Up

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“Green Side Up” Horticulture is an “in” thing around our house.  As most are aware, our eldest son is fully involved in that field.  Although we have never had this experience with James, it is a story that has been around for a considerable time.  Let me share it with you and then make some […]

Dangers of the Time

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Dangers of the Time The eventual subtle infiltration of error through centralized organization has always been a threat to the church–more so than a frontal attack of false doctrine and persecution from without.  One of the perils confronting the church of New Testament times was that of doubt and error arising from the false teachings […]

Not Growing Old

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Not Growing Old This frail old shell in which I dwell Is growing old, I know full well– But I am not the shell. What if my hair is turning grey? Grey hairs are honorable, they say. What if my eyesight’s growing dim? I still can see to follow Him Who sacrificed His life for […]

An Antidote

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An Antidote There grows in the West Indies a tree of surpassing beauty.  It’s fruit which resembles a golden apple, emits the most delicious fragrance.  Strangers, ignorant of it’s appearance, sometimes pluck and eat this fruit whose juice is deadly poisonous.  This tree, however, called the “manchineel,” is always found beside a white wood or […]

A Lie Is Forever

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A Lie Is Forever A little girl came very early one morning to her mother, saying, “Which is worse, Mama, to tell a lie or to steal?”  The mother replied that both were so sinful she could not tell which was worse. “Well, Mama,” replied the little one, “I’ve been thinking a good deal about […]

Do It Anyway

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Do It Anyway People are illogical, unreasonable and self centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfishness and ulterior motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Honesty […]

Don’t Worry So Much!

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Don’t Worry So Much! Steven Goad We are living in an age of apprehension.  Society has anxieties that would have dumbfounded the ancients.  Nevertheless, we somehow manage to live beyond three score and ten.  Has medical technology merely lengthen the days in which we may worry? Jesus long ago said, “Take therefore no thought (be […]

Not for Sale

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Not For Sale “I was traveling in rural Oklahoma when I ran out of gas.  I went to a nearby farmhouse to call a service station, but the farmer insisted on taking me to town, bringing me back, and even staying with me until the car was running again.  I offered him $10.00, but he […]

Things to Remember When in Worship

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THINGS TO REMEMBER WHEN IN WORSHIP Remember the purpose of worship is not to entertain or amuse one another, but it is to pay homage, love and honor to God. Remember the people in worship; they are not perfect, neither are you. Those   with imperfections are worshiping Him who is perfect. He who realizes his […]

Steamed Up Over A Sermon

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Steamed Up Over A Sermon? John Clark Did you ever get really “steamed up” over a sermon?  If you have not you have missed a fascinating human experience.  I have some “what to do in case of” thoughts on the matter.  Next time you get upset at a lesson, you try these things. First, you […]

The Cornbread Habit

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   The Cornbread Habit A. G. Hobbs, Jr. “There is a man who has the ‘cornbread habit! He just had to have a piece of cornbread every twenty or thirty minutes. Every morning as soon as he awakens, the first thing he thinks about is his cornbread. He eats a piece before he dresses, and […]

Just Push!

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JUST PUSH! A man was sleeping. and he dreamed…Suddenly his room filled  with light, and God appeared. The Lord told the man he had work for him to do, and showed him a large rock in front of his cabin. The Lord explained that the man was to push against the rock with all his […]

The Trouble Lies Deeper

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THE TROUBLE LIES DEEPER A good story is told of old Thomas K. Beecher, who could not bear deceit in any form.  Finding that a clock in his church building was habitually too fast or too slow, he hung a placard on the wall above it which read: “Don’t blame the hands— the trouble lies […]

“We Just Don’t Go to Church”

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“We Just Don’t Go to Church” Bill Crews A young couple who had not been to church services for a number of years asked, “What have we done wrong besides not going to church?” They had robbed God of thousands of dollars (1 Cor. 16:1,2); they had forsaken the Lord’s own memorial supper (1 Cor. […]

A Paying Principle

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“A Paying Principle” God honors men who take His Word seriously. Stephen Girard, Philadelphia millionaire, one Saturday ordered his clerks to come to work the next day and unload a large shipment which had just arrived. One young man stepped up to the desk and said, as he turned pale, “Mr. Girard, I cannot work […]

The Lonely Frog

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The Lonely Frog John Gaines A lonely frog telephoned the Psychic Hotline and asked what his future holds. His Personal Psychic Advisor tells him, “You are going to meet a beautiful young girl who will want to know everything about you.” The frog is thrilled, “This is great!” ‘Will I meet her at a party?’” […]

We Are Fooling Ourselves If We Believe:

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We Are Fooling Ourselves If We Believe: Lalo Enriquez  1. God can be mocked. The scripture says: “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked…” (Gal 6:7) To think that we can “turn up our nose to a loving God, sneer at or treat Him with contempt” without final retribution, is to fool ourselves. He […]

“It’s Hard to Be a Christian”

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“It’s Hard to Be a Christian”  “It’s hard to be a Christian” is an often heard statement, and often expressed conviction, an often repeated excuse and an often implied fact. It is quite true, it is hard to be a Christian, but an average sinner has all the temptations, trials, anxieties, worries, torments, and fears […]

Could It Be . . .

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COULD IT BE . . . …that people reject the Bible – not because it contradicts itself, but because it contradicts them? …that some brethren do not attend various worship periods and Bible study classes because Christ is not really their “first love?” …that Satan has lulled us into thinking that we are really standing, […]

What Are You Going to Do About It?

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Could I Be Wrong?  There was a man who had a picture of the leaning tower of Pisa on the wall. Every morning, it was hanging crooked. He found out that the maid was twisting the picture to make the tower straight. Lots of people look into God’s Word and find out that it does […]

They’ll Do It Every Time

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They’ll Do It Every Time The Preacher had just concluded a hot and scathing sermon on the sin of swearing. He had stated several times that he knew one of his hearers was guilty. When the sermon was over, the people filed out the door. First was a lady who was never suspected of using […]

A Habit Can Be Like A Growing Serpent!

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A HABIT CAN BE LIKE A GROWING SERPENT!      There is a true story of a man who took a young boa constrictor and began to train it to climb around the different limbs of his body.  As the snake grew to be of immense size, the man made his living by giving public appearances […]

Jumping to Conclusions

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JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS Some time ago there was a faithful dog who was a constant companion of a small child.  One day both the dog and child disappeared.  A diligent search by parents, friends, and neighbors proved to be fruitless.  The child could not be found. After several hours the dog returned home, but was […]

Don’t Wait for the Parrot to Die!

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Don’t Wait For The Parrot To Die! By Glen Young The pet store owner convinced the old woman that a parrot would keep her company because it would talk to her. When she returned it the next day, she told the owner, “This bird doesn’t talk.”      “Does he have a mirror in his cage?” […]

Actions Generate Reactions

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Actions Generate Reactions By Glen Young I heard a story recently about a student named Donald MacDonald from the Isle of Skye (in Scotland). He was admitted into the prestigious Oxford University and given living accommodations in the hall of residence for his first year. His clan was very excited that one of their own […]