We are searching for people who have good and honest hearts open and receptive to the truth. (Lk. 8:15)

We are searching for those who not only want to be religious, but who want to be right religiously. (Jer. 10:23)

We are searching for those who believe the Bible to be the Word of God, or who are willing to believe when convinced by evidence. (II Tim. 3:16-17)

We are searching for those who want to be right with God, who want to be pleasing to God. (Ps. 18:23-24)

We are searching for those who regard the Bible as God’s Will for man, and who are eager to learn and live by its instructions.  (Jn. 7:17)

We are searching for those who have been disturbed over religious division, man-made creeds, and human schemes. (Mt. 15:13-14)

We are searching for those who are tired of religious traditions and practices that cannot be found  in the Scriptures. (Mt. 15:1-9)

We are searching for those who, like the ancient Bereans, will be open-minded and examine the Scriptures daily to see whether what we teach is so.  (Acts 17:11)
