Generic & Specific Authority

Mike Johnson

Many have failed to understand the concept of generic and specific authority. These people may realize the need for a direct command or statement, approved example, and necessary inference for Bible authority. However, confusion can undoubtedly result if they do not understand the concept of generic and specific authority, along with the principles of aids and expedients. Moreover, a failure to understand these concepts can cause people to become frustrated in applying essential principles of Bible authority.



Generic authority is “a command authorizing the performance of some act without giving directions as to the manner or method of its performance.” In contrast, specific authority carries with it the manner or method of its performance. Thus, generic authority includes; specific authority excludes.

Some Illustrations

Consider this simple illustration regarding generic and specific authority based on an article that appeared some years ago in a book by Maurice Barnett called Understanding Bible Authority.

A man steps into a room full of people and says, “Go get some bread.” The man specifies locomotion with the word “go.” Also, he specified that “bread” was wanted, but beyond these specifics, there are several things not stated which are essential to fulfilling the command. First, the man did not specify who was to get the bread, so anyone in the room could go. Second, he did not explicitly say where they were to get it or even how to obtain the item. It could be bought or borrowed, and someone could go to any store: close by or across town. Next, the man did not specify when the bread was wanted (although one might assume it was wanted in a short time) or how much bread he wanted (a small amount or many loaves). The man also did not specify what kind of bread to get so a person could get wheat, white, rye, or any type. Although those in the room had to do, what the man specifically told them (get bread), there would be many unspecified options left for them to decide, they would be free to choose. This story illustrates generic authority. Suppose, on the other hand, the man went into the room and said to a particular person, “Here is the money; take my car right now; go to the grocery store on the next corner; buy one loaf of fresh, thin-sliced, white, sandwich bread, and bring it back to me.” This statement illustrates specific authority. There is much less room for choice in this statement.

Consider a few more illustrations. Suppose someone told another, “Go and climb a tree.” This command would be generic as to the kind of tree to climb. Any tree would do — a person climbing an oak, pine, or maple would obey the command. However, the command would be specific because the person could only climb a tree. Thus, someone could not climb a ladder and fulfill this command. Suppose someone is commanded to offer an animal sacrifice. This command would be generic in that any animal would do. Offering a sheep, horse, or cow would be acceptable. However, the above command is specific in that only animals could be offered — vegetables, as an offering would not be permitted. If the command were “offer a four-footed animal,” then the command would be specific in that only quadrupeds could be offered (a bird would not do). But it would be generic from the standpoint of any four-footed animal being acceptable.

Old Testament Examples

Consider the Old Testament case of Noah. God told Noah (Gen. 6:14) to build an ark of gopher wood. If God had told him to make an ark of “wood,” he could have constructed the ark out of any wood. This command was specific, but God told him “gopher wood,” so the imperative eliminated all other kinds of wood. If there were different kinds of gopher trees, then the command would have been generic from the standpoint of the type of gopher tree Noah could have used. Noah could have used small or large gopher trees and precisely done what God told him. Also, aids and expedients (means) were needed to carry out God’s command. Noah probably used hammers, ropes, and oxen to carry out the instructions to “build an ark.” If so, would these have been authorized? Yes, they would have been “aids.” But, in using these, Noah would have still been precisely doing what God said to do when He said to build an ark.

In Numbers 19:2, the Bible shows that the people were to offer a “red heifer.” A red heifer was a specific kind of animal. Since it was specified, this eliminated all other animals; all heifers, which were not red heifers, were excluded. If the command stated, “Offer a heifer,” a heifer of any color would have been acceptable. If God said, “Offer an animal,” the instructions would have been generic to the kind of animal. Thus, they could have used a rabbit, horse, or other animal type. Again, the worshiper could have used aids and expedients to carry out the above command.

New Testament Examples

In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus spoke the Great Commission to his apostles. He said, “. . . “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” From these verses, we can make several observations. First, “go” is a generic command; it specifies movement, but Christ did not tell them “how” to go. Thus, they were free to choose any means of locomotion. They could have traveled by boat, chariot, animal, or walking. Also, today, we can go by automobile, plane, bicycle, or bus. Next, there is the command to “teach.” Specific arrangements for teaching are authorized. We can teach by sermons, classes, radio, television, or the internet. Also, we employ aids and methods in carrying out this command, such as blackboards, charts, PowerPoint, and public address systems. Whether one teaches a group or individuals, by radio or in person, the teaching command is still being obeyed.

There is also the command to baptize. Carrying out this command necessitates a place. For example, a person could be baptized in a river, pool, or lake. The water can be warm or cool, or it can be inside or outside. A baptistery, for instance, is authorized as an aid in carrying out the command to baptize. However, remember that the Great Commission specifies that the “gospel” is what we teach, eliminating human traditions and philosophies. Therefore, these would not be aids or expedients but additions.

We also learn that the church is to assemble (Heb. 10:25). This command is generic concerning the place. The Bible does not tell us where to gather. The church could get together in a home, a tent, or a meetinghouse. Some say we do not have the authority for a church building. This statement is wrong, as the church has generic authority to spend its money on a meeting place. The church is to assemble; we are to gather for worship — a site is necessary. A building expedites the carrying out of the command to assemble.

The Bible also teaches Christians to “give” as they prosper on the first day of the week (1 Cor. 16:1-2). This command specifies how the church is to take in its money. A church taking in money by raffles, suppers, or operating a business has added to God’s Word, not respecting the silence of the Scriptures. Baskets, or plates, to take up the money are aids in carrying out the command to give. When a church uses a basket or a plate, it is still merely giving, as God said.

The Bible also specifies the kind of music that Christians are to use in worshiping God (Col. 3:16, Eph. 5:19, 1 Cor. 14:15). These New Testament passages, and others, say we are to sing. Since God specified the kind of music — singing — all else is eliminated. If God had said, “Make music,” He would have given a generic command, and we could use any form of music we want. However, God specified “sing,” so all other kinds of music are excluded. We may use expedients and aids in carrying out the command to sing. Using a songbook, song leader, and four-part harmony would not be wrong. When these are employed, the church is still precisely doing what God said — Sing! The song leader sometimes uses a pitch pipe to get the right pitch. This item is not a different kind of music but an aid. Sometimes people argue that an organ or piano is just an aid like a public address system, a blackboard, songbooks, and lights, i.e., it is an aid in singing. An instrument is not an aid; it is a different kind of music in the same way beef would add another type of food if added to the Lord’s Supper. The instrument is an addition to God’s Word.

Aids, however, must be subordinate, not coordinate (equal). For example, if a person is ordered to “walk,” he cannot use a car to aid in walking, as walking and riding are coordinates. Riding would be a different kind of transportation. On the other hand, a cane is an aid to walking; it is not another kind of transportation. A person who walked, employing a cane, would still be precisely doing what the command said. If a person told a tailor, “Stitch a suit for me by hand.” The tailor could use a needle, thread, scissors, and a thimble. These would be subordinates and would be acceptable. However, if he used a sewing machine, he would be using another way to make a suit and would have violated the order. A sewing machine would be coordinate to hand stitching the suit. In like manner, singing and playing are coordinates. They are two different kinds of music.

The Bible also specifies that the church has a three-fold mission. It teaches the lost, teaches its members, and relieves needy saints (1 Tim. 3:15; Eph. 4:11-12; Acts 11:28-30). This work is specified; thus, no other work should exist. The church is not to provide for entertainment, recreation, and secular education. Its job is not to provide for medical clinics or anything else that does not fall under its God-given work.

Misunderstanding Generic Authority

There have been divisions over the years because some have misunderstood the concept of generic authority. Many years ago, the church split over the Missionary Society issue. The Missionary Society was a separate organization from the church, set up to preach the gospel to the lost. Its support came from money sent to it from various churches. The argument was that the Missionary Society was simply a method employed by the church to preach the gospel. However, the Missionary Society was not a method of preaching the gospel but a separate organization that used means and methods. The church is its own missionary society. It is to oversee its work of evangelizing, and it is not to turn that work over to some other organization, thus becoming just a money-raising organization. Brethren used the same argument many years later to justify the church’s support of benevolent societies. The contention was that the orphan home was just a method for the church to carry out its work of benevolence. Again, these organizations are not merely methods but separate organizations which employ means and methods themselves. Just as the church is its own missionary society, it is also its own benevolent society. The church is to oversee its own benevolent work. It cannot become a fund-raising organization for human institutions. The question was not how but who in the two controversies mentioned above.

Sometimes we might ask for authority for a particular practice. When authority from God’s Word is not produced, people sometimes respond by saying, “There are a lot of things we do for which we have no authority.” For example, when asked for the Biblical authority for the church to build what they often call “fellowship halls, i.e., recreation buildings, some have said the following when asked for the Biblical. They say, “You endorse songbooks, restrooms, and drinking fountains not mentioned in the Bible but oppose kitchens in the church building and recreation buildings not mentioned either.” This argument is trying to show inconsistency. (Proving inconsistency does not disprove another’s position; it only proves inconsistency.) We must realize, however, that a water fountain is not the same as a recreation building. Under generic authority, there is authority for water fountains, lights, and heating and cooling units. The church is to assemble; this necessitates a place, and a place to gather would include the above items. If the Bible tells the church to “provide recreation” (being involved in the “social gospel”), then, under generic authority, a building and equipment are authorized to carry out this command. Since providing recreation is not revealed as a mission of the church, there is no authority to provide facilities to carry out this work. The church can provide facilities for anything, which is its work, but recreation, based on the Scriptures, is not the work of the church.

We must have authority for all that we believe and practice. It is essential, however, to understand the importance of generic and specific authority. Failure to do so can result in error and confusion.