Factors in Church Growth (1)
Location of the Building
Mike Johnson
When a church does not grow, or even declines in membership, people may ask why this occurs. Why do some churches grow while others drop in numbers? Several factors can come into play. One factor can be the location of the building.
The location of a meetinghouse can be an essential reason why a congregation does not grow. If a building, for example, is located in the center of a fifty-mile area where there is a population of a hundred people, then obviously, its location will be an essential factor in the growth of that church. In that situation, even though the congregation described above can serve a vital function for that area until the population numbers change, the group will most likely be small.
The retail world suggests that there are three crucial factors for success: LOCATION, LOCATION, and LOCATION! Looking at matters realistically, “location” is a significant factor for growth in any congregation.
In choosing a site for their buildings, congregations should keep this factor in mind. They also must think further into the future than the next ten to fifteen years in considering a good location, as a new building is a significant expenditure of the Lord’s money. It is advantageous to locate a building in an area, which has good growth potential; wise choices in choosing where to locate has no doubt contributed significantly to the growth of many congregations.
However, there is another issue to consider. Some buildings originally were located in what would be called “good neighborhoods.” A “good neighborhood,” euphemistically, is used sometimes to mean that the people in the area are of the same race and economic status as the members of the congregation. When the community “changes,” members begin to move off to the more prosperous parts of town. Young people in the church eventually grow up, leave home, and choose to live elsewhere. Some people will remain members of the congregation in the old neighborhood, perhaps out of loyalty or because of friendships, driving significant distances to attend services. Eventually, a few older members are the only ones left living in the area, and the neighborhood, as it changes, is often as unsafe. As time goes on, the membership in the congregation will dwindle, and finally, those left sell the building, and the congregation ceases to exist. Numerous groups no longer exist today, having followed this cycle.
When neighborhoods change, a congregation must adapt to these changes. A group facing the above circumstances is doomed to failure if it is not willing to make extensive evangelistic efforts toward the new residents of the neighborhood. Brethren facing this situation need to put away any prejudice which might exist and evangelize the lost regardless of their race, social status, or economic condition (Gal. 3:27-28; Acts 10-11; Rom. 2:11). Indeed, the gospel is for all. An active congregation can continue to exist in such a location, provided the evangelistic efforts of the church and its members are successful.
A good location is desirable. Though difficult, a congregation can grow in an area, which, for one reason or another, is not looked upon as a good of location. Examples exist where churches have grown and prospered facing this circumstance, and in contrast, can also be cited where congregations, whose building, although on a busy highway, have closed.
The location of a building can be crucial. When making a choice, a church should keep this in mind. Once the church picks a site and builds a facility, it should do everything it can to teach the community regardless. We must all remember that carrying the gospel to the world, starts with our community.