Sewell Hall
I was never an avid baseball fan and living in Atlanta has done little to convert me. One 4th of July, however, I did agree to go with a group of Christian friends to a Braves game. From the time we arrived at the field, I knew this was going to be different. The field was covered with performing high school bands – an appeal to all who like music. And that was only the beginning. For those preferring opera, a Metropolitan Opera star sang the national anthem. For those more political in taste, the Attorney General of the United States led the pledge to the flag. Lovers of money were tantalized by a $500 door prize.
Cartoon fans were entertained by a million-dollar scoreboard featuring cartoon characters. Those living on the level of the flesh were treated to the sight of a young lady in short shorts running around the diamond sweeping off the bases between every inning. And to climax it all, there was a huge fireworks display. I don’t remember what team the Braves were playing, much less who won, but that was a game I shall never forget. That was baseball for people who don’t like baseball.
Far too many churches are trying to remodel the religion of Jesus Christ to make it a religion for people who don’t like religion. For those desiring recreation, they offer recreation. For those desiring entertainment, there is entertainment. For those whose primary interest is secular education, they offer day care, kindergartens, schools, and colleges. For those whose appetite is for food, they build church kitchens and dining rooms. The attempt is to be “the church for everybody.”
Such carnal, temporal appeals were never authorized by the Lord. He intended that the church be a “called out,” separated body of people. If the gospel is the only appeal, it will make that separation.
Walking in the Light