Saved by Saving

A man was walking over the mountains through a terrible snowstorm.  He gradually grew colder and colder until at last, he stumbled and fell.  He said to himself, “I shall never be found.  This is the end.”

He thought he was too weak to rise, but as he fell, his hand fell across the body of another man who had fallen in the same snowdrift. This poor man was now unconscious and very near death’s door.  The man who had just fallen, exhausted and cold as he was, said to himself, “I can’t let him die like this,” and as he bent over the prostrate form of the first traveler, he began to briskly rub his face and his hands.  By and by the man’s eyes opened.  They then helped each other to a place of safety.  He had saved another’s life—but he had also saved himself.  Just so, we save our souls by saving others.
