Cleaning Out the Barn

Mark McCrary

Growing up, this was the job I hated the most (and, hated is not too strong a word). Three times a week I had to clean out the feed room in the barn.  That includes everything you think would be included. It was a stinky, unpleasant job.  I did it because it was my chore to do.  I did it because dad made me.
Fast  forward 30 years.  Saturday afternoon I was feeding the cows for Pop.  I finished his instructions, and was about to leave the feed room when I noticed how dirty the floor was.  I looked over and saw the shovel to the side and decided to clean the floor for him.  I did the same thing that I’d done 30 years ago.  It was just as unpleasant.  But this time I did it not because I had to, but because I love him.
Obedience to God is kind of like that.  Early on in our spiritual life, we obey because we have to; we do what we’re told.  Somewhere along the way, though — if you’re really growing — we start obeying because we love him.  Tasks that seemed to be so difficult at one point become much more bearable. That’s why — long term — love is a far better motivator in Christian service than fear or obligation.
If you love me, you will keep My commandments” (John 14:15).