

“If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above,

where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. “(Col. 3:1)

Volume II Number 3

June 2021


What Will Your Children Remember?

Lowell Blasingame

Parental love motivates us to be concerned about our children’s welfare and seek what is best for them. We try to train them to eat properly so they will develop strong healthy bodies. We warn and advise against dangers of which they are not aware of. We make decisions for them until we think they are mature enough to make their own.

Unfortunately, parents often fail their children in the most important area of all in life – the need for seeking first the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33). I once visited with a father and tried to impress upon him this need. His response to me was that when he was a child, his mother made him get up on Sundays and go to the little church in the community where they lived, and he made up his mind then that when he became a man of his own, that he wouldn’t go until he wanted to go. This man later in life came to recognize that need and obeyed the gospel, but his son, who was in his formative years when I talked with his father and needed a father’s example, didn’t get such then and today is not a Christian.

Fathers are admonished to bring up their children “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). Timothy’s unfeigned faith is attributed to the example of a godly mother and grandmother (II Timothy 1:5). On the other hand, of Ahaziah it is said, “For his mother was his counselor to do wickedly” (II Chronicles 22:3).

Jeremiah made an observation about his generation that its sin was written with a pen of iron and the point of a diamond upon the table of their heart and horns of their altars, “Whilst their children remember their altars and their groves by the green trees upon the high hills,” (Jeremiah 17:1-2). Judah’s example was imprinting the future of their children – it was being decided by what they remembered from the example of their forefathers.

Statistics recently released from a study made reveal the tremendous impact of parental examples in the lives of their children. It was learned that children growing up in homes whose parents actively participated in the work of the local congregation had a tendency to be more active in the work of the congregation when they became adults than those whose parents manifest little or no interest in the work of the church. In fact, very rarely did parents who spasmodically attended and took no part in the work of the congregation have children to become active members when they became adults. They exhibited the same undependable traits that their parents did.

I can conceive of nothing more heart-rending than for one seeing his child condemned in the day of judgment and know that he had influenced his child in the wrong way. Jeremiah said that Judah’s children would remember her altars and groves. His point was that their idolatry would influence their children to serve idols and incur the wrath of Jehovah and that they were partially responsible for it by their examples.

What will your children remember? Will it be that you never obeyed the gospel, or that you turned back and ceased to serve the Lord, or that you constantly complained and found fault with your brethren in the Lord? Will they remember that you could sit on a backless bleacher for a two to three-hour ballgame or in a boat fishing, but that an hour on a bench in the church building had your back killing you? Will they remember that you skipped services when kinfolks came, or for a golf tournament, or for the opening day of deer season?

Will they remember that you bought the best with which to golf, hunt, or fish, that the price of gasoline, motels, and food never kept you from Mountain View, Pigeon Forge, or the beach, but you never could drive fifty or a hundred miles to worship with brethren and encourage them in a gospel meeting? Will they remember that you were always early for the movie, first at the picnic and in the stands before the first pitch of the ball game, but that you never seemed to be able to get to worship services before the singing had started?

Remembering you will be a major factor in imprinting the lives of your children and grandchildren, is this what you want?

Some men’s sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after. Likewise also the good works of some are manifest beforehand; and they that are otherwise cannot be hid” (I Timothy 5:24-25).


Biblical Authority (10)

Approved Example

Mike Johnson

What should be our attitude toward the concept of “example” as an acceptable form of Bible authority? There are three possible attitudes one might have. First, a person might say that all examples are binding. However, this attitude is unlikely, and, as we will see later, this would be a ridiculous position. A second attitude one might have is that no examples are binding today. Some take this position, saying that only direct statements and commands guide us. The third position, which is the correct one, is that some examples are binding, and others are incidental. Thus, in addition to appealing to the direct statement or command and necessary inference, we rely on an “approved example,” also known as “divinely approved example” or “accounts of action.”


Consider some definitions of the approved example by some brethren who have written on this subject.

  • “By this, we mean the practice of the people of God in the New Testament under the guidance of the apostles” (Ferrell Jenkins, Biblical Authority 21-22).
  • “An example is a recorded instance of a direct order (command or statement) being executed” (Gene Frost, Gospel Anchor 8-75).
  • “A description of the conduct or activity of people in the Bible, primarily New Testament disciples, that act as a pattern that we may imitate or avoid” (Maurice Barnett, Understanding Authority 39).

The approved example is a description of what someone did; it is teaching by “show” rather than by “tell.”

Are All Examples Binding?

God never intended for every example to be binding on us today. If every case is binding, we would have to travel by ship to preach the gospel since Paul did; have all things common because the early Jerusalem church did (Acts 1:44-45, 4:32,34-35); assemble daily (Acts 2:46-47); always partake of the Lord’s Supper in an upper room (Lk. 22:12, Acts 20:7-11); the same person would have to give thanks for the bread and fruit of the vine in taking the Lord’s Supper (Mt. 26:26-29; Mk. 14:22-25), and the list could go on.

It is also essential to keep in mind that the New Testament is full of examples of sinful actions and incidents that are a part of the historical narratives and have no bearing on our service to God.

To determine when an example is binding, one must look at the specific statement under consideration, the immediate context of that statement, and its remote context (i.e., what the rest of the Bible says about the matter). Also, there are specific logical rules, which would need consideration.

One must determine whether an example is binding. We are probably already doing this as we also make the same determination for each direct statement or command.

Old Testament Examples

It is essential to understand that the old law is not in effect today. It was for the Jews (Deut. 5:1-3), and it could not take away sin (Heb. 9:11-12; 10:3-4). When Jesus died, the old law was taken away (Col. 2:14-17). Yet, it is clear that we do learn from the examples of the Old Testament. The old law, according to Romans 15:4, is for our learning today.

Many New Testament passages refer to people in the Old Testament as examples. In 1 Corinthians 10, Paul discussed the children of Israel in the wilderness. In verse 7, he said, urging the Corinthians to learn from this Old Testament example stating, “And do not become idolaters as were some of them. As it is written, ‘The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play.’” In verse 11, he said, “Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.” Hebrews 11 calls attention to the faith of various people from the Old Testament. The writer brings up these examples for us to learn from (12:1). This chapter teaches the importance of faith, and that obedient faith is necessary to please God. In Luke 17:32, Jesus said, “Remember Lot’s wife.” Her example teaches the importance of obeying God.   2 Peter 2:4-11 mentions various ones from the Old Testament who were wicked and received punishment. The point is that if God did not spare these people who sinned, He would not save us either.

How do we learn from the Old Testament? The specific details of Old Testament examples are not binding, but the principles involved are. For example, the fact that people offered sacrifices under the old covenant would not require us to do so today.

Today, Christians still learn from the Old Testament. Consider various Old Testament characters and events. From the story of Cain and Able, we understand that it does matter how we worship God. We do not learn from Noah that we are to build an ark today, but we conclude that God will punish people when they sin. God told Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice (Gen. 22:1-18). From this case, we learn that it is crucial to have faith in God and obey Him. We would not follow Abraham’s example, however, by offering our children as sacrifices.

We also learn principles about God from the Old Testament. We understand, for example, that God is omniscient (has all knowledge) and that He is omnipotent (all-powerful). We also learn of His love, wisdom, mercy, and wrath.

New Testament Passages

The New Testament tells us to follow Christ’s example. 1 Peter 2:21 says, “For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps.” In the context of this passage, Christ is our example in how He dealt with mistreatment, but Christ, generally, is to be our example.

Paul, an apostle, said in 1 Corinthians (4:16), “Therefore I urge you, imitate me.” He also told the Corinthians (1 Cor. 11:1) to “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.” Another significant passage in Paul’s writings is Philippians 4:9. Here Paul wrote, “The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.” Thus, not only did he tell them to follow what they had learned, received, and heard, but they were also to follow what they had seen in him. They were to “put it into practice,” as one translation says. On other occasions, Paul spoke of following his example (1 Th. 4:6; 2 Th. 3:7; Acts 20:35).

Consider some areas where an “approved example” can be applied. On what day are we to partake of the Lord’s Supper? “Sunday,” someone might respond. How do we know this? We know it by “approved example.” In Acts 20, we learn that Paul and his companions came to Troas, and they stayed until the first day of the week and then took of the Lord’s Supper. Verse 7 says, “Now on the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul, ready to depart the next day, spoke to them and continued his message until midnight.” Paul, an Apostle, was present; they partook of the Lord’s Supper on the first day of the week; there is no example, or any other authority, for taking of it on any other day. Thus, the day we are to take of the Lord’s Supper is established by an “approved example.” We learn in Acts 14:23, after having started churches in various places, that Paul and Barnabas revisited them and appointed elders in every church. By this example, we understand that there are to be “elders” in every church, and we learn that there is to be a plurality of elders in each congregation. We also learn by example that “water” is the element to use in carrying out the baptism of the Great Commission. The Bible teaches that baptism is a “burial” (Rom. 6:4, Col. 2:12), but we know that many elements may be used to “bury” something. An examination of the conversion of the Ethiopian (Acts 8:36-39) along with Cornelius and his family (Acts 10) provides an example of water as the element of baptism. There are no examples in the Scriptures of the use of anything else.

When Is an Example Binding?

We have already noted that not every example is to be binding on us today. Some cases are limited, and we must consider generic and specific authority.

Consider some essential rules, which can help us understand the proper application of an example. Unfortunately, there is no list of these rules in the Scriptures, and the Bible does not explicitly say which examples are binding and which are not. However, God expects us to use some logic, along with common sense. These concepts, as you will soon see, are apparent.

  • Rule of uniformity – To be binding, all other examples of the same matter must be in complete agreement in all essential details.It is not binding if there is variation. This rule helps eliminate incidental actions. For example, Paul traveled by ship to fulfill the Great Commission of “go” and preach the gospel. Must we journey by ship today to go and preach the gospel? No, we have other examples of people traveling by land. On the other hand, we have many cases of conversion coming about by the teaching and learning of God’s Word. Without the teaching and learning of God’s Word, there was no conversion; thus, we see uniformity demonstrated by the various examples.
  • Rule of harmony To be binding, an example must harmonize with all other teachings in the New Testament. For example, the Lord’s Supper was first instituted in an upper room (Lk. 22:12) and later taken in an upper chamber (Acts 20:7). Must we observe the Lord’s Supper in an upper room today? No, these examples are not binding as Jesus taught that the place where one worships God is not significant (Jn. 4:21-24).
  • Rule of universal application – Since the gospel is for people of all generations, whatever is binding must be within the ability of everyone to perform in every generation.It is impossible for all populations of the earth today to be riding in a chariot on the road from Jerusalem to Gaza, reading the fifty-third chapter of Isaiah when they learn they need baptism (Acts 8). It is impossible to go into Herod’s temple at the 9th hour of prayer (Acts 3:1). An upper room would not be available in all areas of the world—preachers are not to teach that you must build a multi-structured building to please the Lord.
  • Rule of materiality For an example to be binding, it must be material and not just an incidental matter. For example, the Bible tells us to baptize. It does not matter whether the water is running or cold, indoors or outdoors, warm or cold.  A person is still only baptizing regardless of whether the water is warm or cold.  These variations are not relevant to the action or purpose of baptism.   Further, the Bible tells us to preach, and it does not matter if it is in a home, rented building, tent, or church building.  The place has no essential relationship to the action.
  • Rule of limited application – Some matters pertain to unique situations, which existed at one time but do not exist now, while some issues might pertain to a custom of the time. In I Corinthians 7, Paul told the Corinthians that it was better not to marry.  However, it is clear from the chapter that he was talking about during the “present distress” (v. 26), i.e., during a unique set of circumstances.  The holy kiss, spoken of in the Scriptures, was the form of greeting employed during that time.  Today, we are to have a sincere, non-hypocritical attitude toward others.  Feet were washed as an act of kindness and hospitality due to circumstances, which existed in Bible times.  The way to show hospitality may vary, but Christians are always to show hospitality.
  • Rule of competence – Competent evidence must support an example. Infant baptism, for example, is sometimes defended by people based on the “household” baptisms of the New Testament (Acts 16:32-34).  Some assume that just because of the use of the word “house” or “household,” that people baptized infants.  They draw the improper conclusion that all households have infants.  This conclusion to defend infant baptism would also be incorrect as they violate the rules of harmony and uniformity.  From other passages and conversion cases, it is clear that those baptized were penitent believers.

People argue that we must use logic to determine which examples are binding. However, we also use logic to determine which direct statements and commands apply to us today.

Yes, along with the direct statement or command and necessary inference, the approved example is a valid form of Bible authority.


The Benefits Of Going to Hell

Mike Cornwell

Have you ever thought of the benefits of going to Hell? Some people have said, “If you look close enough, you will find good in everything.” Will Rogers said, “I never met a man I didn’t like.” If there is some good in everything, then there must be some benefits to going to Hell. (This should ease your mind a little if you are headed there!) This will not benefit those awaiting Hell since there is no peace of mind, “… where the worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched” (Mark 9:44). I tried thinking of some benefits of going to Hell, and I came up with the following.

  1. No more gospel preaching in Hell. If there is no gospel preaching, then there will not be any faithful preachers in Hell. In Hell, there will be no more long, boring sermons and no shorter ones either. Preaching has a way of making some who are in sin uneasy, that is, if the preacher is preaching the truth of the word. Many have said, “The preacher is preaching directly at me!” Many who are in sin have an attitude problem. They say at times, “Keep your nose out of my business. If I want to talk to you, I will do the calling!” This simply means for a funeral or possibly a wedding. They will not have to suffer embarrassment any longer in Hell. There will not be any warning of spiritual damnation. Gospel preachers are to “… reprove…rebuke…exhort…” (2 Tim 4:2). They must preach the truth of the gospel, not man’s doctrine, but the doctrine of Christ. How else is man to know the truth that will set him free (John 8:32)? This world is full of false teachers who proclaim man’s doctrine. They will have their congregation in Hell, but they will not be preaching Jesus Christ crucified!
  2. In Hell, there will be no more Christian workers. You know, the ones who bother you with phone calls, letters, cards, and home visits. They have been bothering people since the church’s beginning (Acts 8:4). During the first century, the disciples went from house to house (Acts 20:20). Even after promises of attendance, they did not stop (Acts 24:25). If you go to Hell, you will no longer have to worry about uninvited Christians interfering with your daily routine. True Christians, those who are part of the Lord’s body, will be in Heaven. You will have lots of company in hell with souls just like yours!
  3. In Hell, there will be no interference with your lifestyle. There will be no one to tell you how to live faithfully in order to receive a crown of life! (Rev 2:10). No one will tell you about sin; no embarrassment any longer with the words “sin” and “sinner.” No one will prevent you from being with the “in” crowd: there will be an abundance of them in Hell. You see, the Gospel is hid from those in Hell (2 Cor 4:3).
  4. There will be no more “Gospel Calls” to righteousness by those “holier than thou” preachers and “do-gooder” Saints. After all, you were as good as those “hypocrites,” maybe even better! Look around when you get there; they will be there too! Everyone will be doing the same thing, suffering for eternity!
  5. In Hell, there will be no more invitations given. You will not have to listen to an “invitation to accept the Gospel.” that was the most embarrassing part of going to “church” anyway. No more pressure from family members, the preacher, and friends who were “faithful” Christians.  All you will be able to do is “hope” all is well with them since you will be separated for eternity.  I wonder if you will miss the beautiful voices raised in songs of praise.  You might have enjoyed that part of “church” and just maybe miss that aspect. It will be a relief that you will no longer be bored with all the nonsense of “church.”

A benefit of Hell is no longer having to avoid making a decision to obey the gospel: the subject simply will not be spoken. There is, however, one catch to this “good news” of Hell. You will have to make a definite, sure decision if you want these benefits of going to Hell. All you will have to do to receive these benefits is do nothing about your soul’s condition! When you cross over into an eternity in Hell, there will be no turning back.  If you have the slightest doubt that you want these benefits, you need to make changes in your life … obey the gospel before it is too late!


What Will Be Said About You?

Mike Johnson

Epitaphs (defined as “a commemorative inscription on a tomb or mortuary monument) have always been of interest to me. They often depict people’s attitudes about life after death. They may say something kind about a person who has died, perhaps pointing out how sorely all will miss the deceased.  They may express something about hope beyond the grave or some other Biblical concept. In California, for example, a man put on his wife’s headstone, “A sense of loss is mine to bear/But hers a wondrous gain” (Compare to Phil. 1:21).

Epitaphs can vary in tone.  Consider this rather chilling message on a stone in California. “Remember friend, as you pass by; as you are now, so once was I. As I am now, soon you will be; so prepare for death and follow me.” Later someone added a reply: “To follow you, I’m not content until I know which way you went!”  A member of a famous rock group in the ’70s said that their philosophy was to “Live fast, die young, and leave a good corpse.” Would you want this as your epitaph? Sadly, these words describe the philosophy of many.

The Bible summarizes the life and character of some in a few words. For example, the Scriptures say of Ahab that he “did more to provoke the Lord God of Israel to anger than all the kings of Israel that were before him” (I Kgs. 16:33). In contrast, Hananiah, a ruler in Jerusalem after the return from captivity, is spoken of positively. Nehemiah 7:2 says of him “. . . for he was a faithful man, and feared God above many.” These are just a few words, but they say much. Acts 11:24 describes Barnabas as a “good man.” It would be incorrect to describe many today as even a “good person.” Consider a statement Peter made about Jesus in Acts 10:38. He said that He “went about doing good.” Many people are like this today as their lives are full of good deeds toward others.

What is accurately said about us after we die is undoubtedly significant. For example, Paul, near the end of his life, wrote II Timothy. In II Timothy 4:7, he said, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” There is no intent for this statement to be Paul’s epitaph, but it could have been. On another occasion, in Philippians 1:21, he said, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Perhaps after we die, people can accurately express these ideas about us: “He fought a good fight, he finished his course, and he kept the faith,” or “For him to live was Christ, for him to die was gain.” If these few words can accurately be said, it will mean that we have died as faithful children of God.


Read Also:


 I’d Rather Have A Little Rose

I would rather have a little rose
From the garden of a friend-
Then to have the choicest flowers-
When my stay on earth shall end.

I would rather have the kindest words-
And a smile that I can see,
Than flattery when my heart is still-
And this life has ceased to be.

I would rather have a loving smile-
From friends I know are true,
Than tears shed ’round my casket-
When this world I bid adieu.

Bring me all the flowers today,
Whether pink or white, or red;
I’d rather have one blossom now-
Than a truck load when I’m dead.


                              From The Visitor 3-18-45


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Editor – Mike Johnson