What Kind of Worshipper Are YOU?

Don McClain

 There are several different kinds of worshippers within the body of Christ, or maybe better stated – among those who claim to be members of the church of Christ. – Please seriously consider some of the following examples –

The Spasmodic Worshipper – attends worship services whenever he takes a notion – (and that is not too often). Don’t look for him to show up at any of the Bible classes, gospel meetings, or any other assembly, except for Sunday morning worship. He comes just enough to keep the brethren off his back. Apparently, he is not too concerned about what God thinks about him, nor is he too concerned about his influence on others. What does the spasmodic worshipper reveal about his love for God and his interest in the work of the church? (Matthew 6:33; Hebrews 10:24,25; Psalms 106:2)

The Irreverent Worshipper – whispers, passes notes, and occasionally takes a nap during worship services. Manicures during worship are not unheard of, nor is looking at pictures, playing with the baby in front of them, or day dreaming about the big buck that got away. (Hebrews 10:28; . . . . let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: For our God is a consuming fire.). What does the irreverent worshipper reveal about his respect for The Almighty God? (Ecclesiastes 12:13).

The Bored Worshipper – watches the clock on the wall or his watch constantly during worship services. He habitually thinks to himself, –

  • The song leader sings too many verses of the songs,
  • The man leading the prayer ALWAYS prays too long,
  • And there has never been a sermon short enough.

What does the bored worshipper reveal about his affections for God and His grace? (Amos 8:4-8; Psalms 122:1; Psalms 63:1-3)

The Tardy Worshipper – is habitually late. NO, they’re not habitually late for work – why they know they’d get fired. Their children aren’t habitually late for school – they don’t want their children to get a tardy slip and detention. (Maybe we need to start giving tardy slips and detention?). They are only habitually late to events that are not extremely important to them (did I say that?). Consider what the Psalmist said – “My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the LORD: my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God.” (Psalms 84:2.), Do you think a person with such an attitude would be habitually late for worship? What does the tardy worshipper reveal about his hunger for spiritual things? (Matthew 5:6; Psalms 42:1,2)

The Worldly Worshipper – may have been seen at the dance hall the night before or conducting a shady business deal during the previous week. Such a person ought to know that his worship is not accepted by God (Psalms 66:18). But, then again, a person doesn’t necessarily have to commit some obvious sin to be classified as “worldly.” Some worldly thing that may not be wrong in and of itself has captured his heart. This person simply hasn’t obeyed Paul’s instructions as found in Colossians 3:1,2 and Romans 12:1,2. The love of the world is in this person’s heart – not serving God. The person who lives for the “here and now” is a worldly person. What does such a worshipper really reveal about his priorities? (Matthew 6:33; James 4:4; Matthew 15:8).

The Observant Worshipper – If it were God’s instructions being stringently observed, that’d be great, but – this is not the case with the kind of worshipper under our consideration here. This individual is constantly looking around at what others are wearing, doing, and thinking. Yes, you caught that right – “thinking!” If you don’t believe it, just ask him or her. There is certainly a sense in which we ought to be observant – we ought to observe who’s absent so that we can check up on them, who’s in need so that we can help them, and who has fallen away that we may strive to restore them. But, the worshipper under consideration becomes distracted from his worship by that which is being observed. (John 21:20-22; 1 Corinthians 4:5). What does the worshipper who constantly observes others reveal about his focus upon his worship?

The True Worshipper – will be consistent in his attendance – including Bible classes (because he wants to study and learn all he can about God). The true worshipper will have his attention focussed upon his worship. He will be punctual when it comes to his attendance; after all, he really wants to do it. He will also be consistent in his life­­ — in other words, he will not live for the devil during the week and show up on Sunday to play the hypocrite. He will be deeply concerned about both the “what” and “how” of his worship. –

  • “Are the acts of my worship according to God’s word – do I have scriptural authority?”
  • “Am I approaching God in sincerity – Is my heart truly in my worship?”

Such an attitude reveals his reverence and devotion in the presence of his Creator. (John 4:24; 1 Samuel 16:7; Psalms 5:7; Psalms 99:5)

“Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.” (Psalms 29:2)

There is ONLY one kind of worshipper that is pleasing and acceptable to God. What kind of worshipper are you?