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Various Writers

It is Easier . . . (David Harkrider)

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It is Easier . . . David Harkrider It is easier to compromise the truth than to stand for it. It is easier to ignore sin than to expose it. It is easier to justify the sinner than to demand his repentance. It is easier to criticize the preaching of truth than to endorse it. […]

Careful with the Word “Miracle” (Gardner Hall)

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Careful with the Word “Miracle” Gardner Hall I see increasing numbers of references among disciples of Christ referring to events in their lives as miraculous, or even asking for a miracle. Perhaps it’s time for a reminder that we don’t live in the miraculous age. That fact almost used to be taken for granted in […]

Attitude (Mark White)

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Attitude Mark White If you would like to kill the work of your local congregation, then I have the perfect plan: 1. Skip services often and encourage others to skip, too. 2. When you do attend, come in late and cause a little disturbance. While there, take a good nap. 3. Always be critical and […]

Why I Go to Every Service of the Church (Author Unknown)

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Why I Go to Every Service of the Church I Go To Every Service of The Church Because I Am Made Stronger. Power is given in worship to live a nobler, holy life (Acts 20:32). There is the sweetest fellowship on earth. Why should I want to miss ANY service? I Go To Every Service of […]

Understanding the Message (Greg Gwin)

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Understanding the Message Greg Gwin Did you hear about the fella who was discussing his recent visit to a church service?  Someone asked him, “What did the preacher preach about?” To which he replied, “I don’t know.  He didn’t say!” There could be at least a couple of reasons why a person could attend a […]

What Would You Do?

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What Would You Do? For many years, a merchant conscientiously used a measure that did not meet the government standard. He was honest and had no intention of defrauding those who purchased from him. He took the word of the man who sold him the measure and never thought of having it tested. When the […]

Is It Right to Criticize Another Person’s Religion? (Kevin Kay)

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Is It Right to Criticize Another Person’s Religion? Kevin Kay It’s not only right to criticize false religion, no matter whose religion it is; it’s the faithful Christian’s responsibility. Jesus criticized the Pharisees for “teaching as doctrines the commandments of men” (Matthew 15:7-9). Paul criticized those who tried to bind the shadows of the Mosaic […]

Unknown Voices from the Past

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Unknown Voices from the Past: A man was walking down a little hill in the woods when he stepped on a little twig. The twig rolled, and he fell down. As he got up and went on his way, he thought to himself, “If that had been a big log, I would have seen it […]

What’s Wrong With Today’s Youth? (Bill Hall)

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What’s Wrong With Today’s Youth? Bill Hall All along we hear questions raised as to what has gone wrong with today’s youth. Recently, a brother expressed his concern along this line and then asked, “What advice would you give young parents to help them avoid mistakes that we have made in our generation?” The first […]

A Pioneer Preacher Proves a Point About Infant Baptism (Greg Gwin)

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A Pioneer Preacher Proves a Point About Infant Baptism Greg Gwin Many stories are told about pioneer preacher “Raccoon” John Smith. He was a man of strong conviction and clever wit. One of the better known incidents in his preaching work is related in this excerpt from a biographical sketch … Noticing, one day, that […]

Why Churches Grow

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Why Churches Grow J. F.Dancer 1. Brethren are friendly and are deeply concerned about saving souls. 2. Elders plan ways in which the membership is informed, kept busy and knowledgeable of one another  (Heb. 13:17; 1 Thess. 5:12; 1 Pet. 5:1-4). 3. Members worship in a well planned, Scripturally and orderly service. 4. Classes are […]


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Gratitude In the depth of winter they were nearly frozen, and the mother took the door of a cellar off the hinges, and set it up before the corner where they were crouched down to sleep that some of the draft and cold might be kept from them. One of the children whispered to her, […]

Preacher’s Point

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Preacher’s Point I would rather have thousands to say to me at the judgment, “We heard you preach and You hurt our feelings,” than to have just one lost soul to say, “I heard you preach, but you did not tell me the truth.” John T. Lewis Related Article

Which Is More Important? (David Sain)

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Which Is Most Important? David Sain The condition and appearance of your house, or what goes on inside your house? The time you spend on the condition and appearance of your body or the time you spend on the inner man? Reading about life according to magazines and newspapers, or about “life” according to God’s […]

“That Many Pastors Can’t Be Wrong” (Jeff Smelser)

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“That Many Pastors Can’t Be Wrong” Jeff Smelser So asserted an advertisement for a direct mail service used by more than 1,000 churches.  One would think that even with a passing familiarity with the Bible, people would be reluctant to determine the validity of something based on the number of people who believe in it. […]

“I Don’t Care What God Says”

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“I Don’t Care What It Says” Steven F. Deaton In the course of a discussion the other day, I asked a man to read a certain chapter from the Bible and get back to me about our topic.  He said he would read it, but it would not matter what it says, because he would […]

Sure Signs of Backsliding

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SURE SIGNS OF BACKSLIDING Author Unknown 1. When the way to the meeting house seems too far. 2. When the sermon seems too long. 3. When the singing comes hard and seems dreary. 4. When you see so much to dislike in your brethren. 5. When the preacher makes you mad. 6. When the members […]

How Long Is This Line?

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How Long Is This Line? Bobby Graham _______________ Would you care to guess or speculate how long this line is?  The answers would likely vary.  Some would underestimate its length, while others would overestimate it.  It is possible that a few might guess its exact length, but their answer would still be a guess in […]

Just Like My Dog!

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Just Like My Dog! A little lad of six was invited out to lunch in a neighbor’s home.  As soon as all were seated at the table, the food was served.  The little boy was puzzled, and with a child’s frankness, asked, “Don’t you say a prayer before you eat?”  The host was uncomfortable and […]

What Will Be Said About You?

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What Will Be Said About You? Mike Johnson Epitaphs (defined as “a commemorative inscription on a tomb or mortuary monument) have always been of interest to me. They often depict people’s attitudes about life after death. They may say something kind about a person who has died, perhaps pointing out how sorely all will miss […]

The Lamb’s Book of Life (Bobby L. Graham)

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The Lamb’s Book of Life Bobby L. Graham   This register or list of the saved, thus designated because of the sacrifice of the Lamb making it possible and the life secured thereby (2 Timothy 1:10; John 14:6; 2 Peter 1:19), comprehends all redeemed from all covenants, because the sacrifice of Jesus Christ was designed to effect […]

Distinctive Preaching (W. Curtis Porter)

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Distinctive Preaching W. Curtis Porter I cannot conceive of their having ever been a time in all of the history of the church that distinctive preaching was not needed. Perhaps there have been periods of that history in which such preaching was more sorely needed than at other times; but if so, the failure of […]

What If You Were the Last Remaining Christian?

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“What If” You Were the Last Remaining Christian? Greg Gwin A tired and discouraged Elijah proclaimed to God, “I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life to take it away” (1 Kings 19:10). He was wrong, of course. The Lord explained that He had 7,000 who remained faithful (vs. 18). But, what […]

“Dear Lord, I Am Growing Older”

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“Dear Lord, I Am Growing Older“ (Selected and Adapted) Dear Lord, The years have sped by so rapidly, and I find I am no longer young. As I grow older, Lord, I truly need Thy help to keep me close to Thy house of prayer. Satan would have me think about my aching bones and […]

The Glory of Old Age

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The Glory of Old Age Lord, keep me from the fatal habit of thinking that I must say something on every subject and on every occasion. Release me from craving to straighten out everybody’s affairs. Make me thoughtful but not moody; helpful but not bossy. With my vast store of wisdom, it seems a pity […]

Calling All “Aged” Christians!

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Calling All “Aged” Christians Greg Gwin Paul indicated to Titus that certain duties are to be enjoined upon those who older.  They are to teach the younger people by word and deed.  Notice:  {1}But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine: {2} That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in […]

Ashes & Flames

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ASHES AND FLAMES Oftentimes we look with forebodings to the time of old age, forgetful that at eventide it shall be light.  To many saints of old age it is the choicest season in their lives.  A balmier air fans the mariner’s cheek as he nears the shore of immortality; fewer waves ruffle his sea, […]


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Barzillai David Smitherman The name “Barzillai” is not familiar to most Bible students; it never comes up in “Bible Drill” classes.  And what a shame.  In an era when many worship at the shrine of youth, those who are aged and those who will become such someday unless death gets us first (i.e., everyone), need […]

What Is Our Standard of Authority? (Carrol R. Suton)

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What Is Our Standard of Authority? Carrol R. Sutton In every phase of human activity, we constantly see the need for recognizing a standard of authority. In time, weights, and measures, we accept certain standards. Otherwise, there would be confusion. Our honesty and sincerity is not sufficient when it comes to determining the time of […]

Commit Your Way to the Lord (Ps. 37:5)

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COMMIT YOUR WAY TO THE LORD  (Psalm 37:5) Mike Johnson Psalm 37:5 says, “Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass.” Psalm 37 is an admonition to followers of God to retain their confidence in Him and not be discouraged when facing the hardships in life. […]

It Just Slipped Out . . . Of What?

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It Just Slipped Out … Of What? Bryan Matthew Dockens When excusing themselves for uttering profanities or curses, the kind of words which should never escape our mouths (Ephesians 4:29), many will say, “I’m sorry; it just slipped out”. But what did those corrupt words slip out of, exactly? Jesus explained, “For out of the […]

Shady Lane, the Preacher & the Boy

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Shady Lane, the Preacher & the Boy Ken McDaniel During a recent gospel meeting that I preached, the local evangelist and I went calling on a few individuals in hopes of motivating some to faithfulness and setting up Bible studies with others who have not yet been saved. As is often the case, we struck […]

Delight in the Lord (Ps. 37:4)

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DELIGHT IN THE LORD (Psalm 37:4) Mike Johnson Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.” Do you delight in the Lord?  The Psalmist (thought to be David) said this is what we are to do. The word found in the original (anag) carries […]

Living on Borrowed Time

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Living on Borrowed Time Doy Moyer Be generous. Assume the best first. Don’t assign evil motives to other parties. They may have intended something else. Let the principles of love guide our discussions (I Cor 13:4-8). Be respectful. Don’t begin a response by insulting and insinuating that the other parties are intellectually deficient. Just address […]

God’s Minorities

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God’s Minorities During the time that Noah was building the ark, he was very much in the minority – but he won! When Joseph was sold into Egypt by his brothers he was a decided minority – but he won! When Gideon and his three hundred followers with their broken pitchers and lamps put the […]

What Is Sin?

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 What Is Sin? Kyle Campbell John wrote, “Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.” By inspiration, we know the definition of sin. The word “sin” was used to describe transgression of the law, the breaking of God’s commandments. “Transgression” defined sin as rebellion against God and was […]

Getting Help to Misunderstand the Scriptures

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Getting Help to Misunderstand the Scriptures Doy Moyer Yes, there are those who would help you to misunderstand what the Bible says. The Bible speaks of them in 2 Peter 3:16-17: “speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, […]

Do We Really Love God?

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DO YOU REALLY LOVE GOD? Mike Johnson  Do you genuinely love God? If asked this question, many people would say, “Yes.” However, how many do truly love God? I John 5:3 says, “For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome.” Thus, a test of our […]

Precious in the Sight of the Lord

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Precious in the Sight of the Lord Mike Johnson Psalm 116:15 says, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.”  We think of death in many different ways. The death of a loved one is one of the greatest agonies a person can face in his/her life. Typically, we think of […]

Abide in the Doctrine of Christ

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Abide in Christ’s Doctrine (II John 9-11) Consider a warning found in II John 9-11. These verses say, “Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not […]

Contend Earnestly for the Faith (Jude 3)

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Contend Earnestly for the Faith (Jude 3) Mike Johnson It is clear from the Old Testament that God intended for us to adhere to His Word, and the Scriptures should not be violated (Deut. 4:1-4, 5:32-33; Josh 1:7; Num. 22:18, 24:13; Pb. 4:26-27, 30:5-6; Lev. 18:4-5).  Consider now the same concept from the standpoint of […]

Adding to or Taking Away From God’s Word

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Adding to or Taking Away From God’s Word (Revelation 22:18-19) Mike Johnson Revelation 22:18-19 says, “For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, […]

The Authority of God

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The Authority of God Mike Johnson Everyone is subject to authority today. Many are employees and are subject to the rule of their employers. We are all under the authority of our government, whether we want to be or not. There is authority we put ourselves under by choice, and there is authority we find […]

Do Not Preach Any Other Gospel

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Do Not Preach Any Other Gospel! (Galatians 1:6-9) Mike Johnson In Galatians 1, Paul said he marveled because the Galatians were “turning away so soon” to “a different gospel.”  He also pointed out there were some who had troubled them and wanted to pervert the gospel of Christ.  Then (v. 8) he warned, “But even […]

The Importance of Biblical Teaching

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The Importance of Biblical Teaching Mike Johnson The Bible emphasizes that it is essential for our teaching to be in a very bold and straightforward manner, and preaching must be in strict compliance with the Bible. The early church received a great deal of teaching, and the Bible describes the instruction done then and that […]

If You Should Be Baptized

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If You Should Be Baptized Author Unknown DON’T WAIT until some tragedy in life reminds you of how close death is. And remember the second coming of our Lord is just as close as death itself — as far as opportunity is concerned. DON’T WAIT until “everything is just right” for you are the only […]

What Is Most Important to You?

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What Is Most Important to You? David Sain   1.  The condition and appearance of your house, or what goes on inside your house?   2.  The time you spend on the condition and appearance of your body, or the time you spend on the inner man?   3.  Reading about life according to magazines […]

Translating the Bible into Life

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 Translating the Bible into Life Dennis Abernathy I read a story about four preachers who were discussing their favorite translations of the Bible. One preacher preferred the King James Version because of its beautiful language. The second preacher liked the American Standard Version best because it translates more literally the original Hebrew and Greek. The […]

The Secret

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The Secret Jere. E. Frost Why did Samuel say to Saul, “Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams?” (1 Sam. 15:22). Because God would rather have us obey than to accomplish the most astounding feats or offer the most lavish praise. There is no substitute for obedience. […]

Some Facts about the Chruch

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Some Facts about the Church Author Unknown   It is not a human denomination, but the spiritual body of Jesus Christ (Col. 1:18; I Pet. 2:5-6).   It was built by Christ and he is its foundation (Mt. 16:18; I Cor. 3:11).   Christ is its only head (Eph. 1:22-23).   It was purchased with […]


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Immortality Mike Johnson “Death is not a period but a comma in the story of life.” In a sentence, a comma indicates a pause.  A period is end punctuation and is used to show the end of a sentence.  With this idea in mind, the above quotation says a great deal.  It speaks of the […]

To Whom Were They Speaking?

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To Whom Were They Speaking Carrol R. Sutton In Acts 16:31 when Paul and Silas said: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, and thy house, they were speaking to an unbeliever, the jailor at Philippi. (Acts 16:12). In Acts 2:38 when Peter said: “Repent, and be baptized every one of […]

Correction is Grievous

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Correction Is Grievous James W. Adams “Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way…. “ (Proverbs 15: 10). Few people are able to accept correction graciously. Our first inclination is always to justify self. This, no doubt, accounts for the bad spirit which is so manifest in brethren who have “forsaken the way” of […]

What Needs Changing?

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What Needs Changing? When you look into the mirror and your face appears dirty, it is your face, not the mirror that needs attention. The Bible is the mirror of the soul. It reveals our imperfections and shows us how to make corrections. However, some try to rework the Bible instead of reshaping their lives.

The Bible: The Only Inspired Creed

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The Bible:  The Only Inspired Creed Richie Thetford   In the denominational world you can find creed books that are used in addition to the Bible. Yet the apostle Paul tells us that “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that […]


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Attitude “The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me is more important than facts. It’s more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It’s more important than appearance, giftedness, or […]

The Best Things in Life

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                      THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE The best and sweetest things in life are things you cannot buy: The music of the birds at dawn, the rainbow in the sky. The dazzling magic of the stars, the miracle of light. The precious gift of health […]

How to Become a Christian

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HOW TO BECOME A CHRISTIAN Carrol R. Sutton 1.   LEARN GOD’S WILL FOR MAN. “It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me.” (John 6:45). 2.  BELIEVE. Have conviction based on what you have learned. […]

Is There a Difference!

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Is There A Difference! If you are seeking a wife – is one as good as another? If you are sick – is one doctor as good as another? If you are catching a train – is one as good as another? If you are buying a house – is one as good as another? […]

If You Are Big Enough

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IF YOU ARE BIG ENOUGH To stand a compliment, you need not fear the critic,  To face defeat bravely, you can be trusted with victory, To see a rival succeed without jealousy, you have achieved real greatness, To keep your head when you are being attacked, you are on the highway to success,  To admit […]

If It Be Possible…

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“IF IT BE POSSIBLE…” “If it be possible, as much as is in you lieth, be at peace with all men”. (Rom. 12:8). This passage teaches that it is not always possible to be at peace with all men. “Peace at any price” is a dangerous principle and should not be practiced by Christians. It […]

Honesty & Sincerity

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HONESTY & SINCERITY Lowell Blasingame Honesty and sincerity do not galvanize error into truth nor does unbelief subvert truth to the ranks of error. Some seem to think this. They assume that if error is honestly and sincerely believed in religion that it becomes truth and produces the same blessings and benefits. On the other […]

What is Sin?

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WHAT IS SIN? Carrol R. Sutton There are four passages in the New Testament that state specifically what sin is. Let us Consider them. 1. ROMANS 14:23 says: “And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.” 2. JAMES 4:17says: “Therefore […]

Subjective Interpretations of Feelings and Experiences

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Subjective Interpretations of  Feelings and Experiences Dennis Abernathy Did you hear the story of a farmer who decided to quit farming and become a preacher? When asked why he made such a decision, the farmer said: “God called me to preach.” When asked how God called him to preach, he said he saw clouds in […]

Food, Gimmicks & Recreation

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Food, Gimmicks, and Recreation Jeff May Problems arise as we strive to serve God faithfully, but God has given us a tree — the tree of Calvary, to be used in such situations, just as Moses cast in the tree at Mariah to resolve the problem of the bad water (Exodus 5), and Elisha cast […]

You Must Do Your Part

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You Must Do Your Part No man can save himself from his sins, but everyone must turn to the Lord, in His appointed way, and look to Him alone for salvation. The Lord Jesus Christ and He alone, has authority to forgive sin and save souls. In the conversion of man, there must be cooperation […]

God Is Unchangeable

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God Is Unchangeable Carrol R. Sutton Daily we witness changes around us in both the plant and animal kingdoms. We also witness weather changes, which in turn produce changes in temperatures, As these changes take place, it becomes necessary for us to make changes in our eating, sleeping, working and playing habits as well as […]

Make Time

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Make Time Make time to think – it is the source of power. Make time to play – it is the key to freedom and relaxation. Make time to read – it is the gateway to knowledge. Make time to worship – it washes the dust of earth from your eyes. Make time to help […]

You Preached Right at Me

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You Preached Right at Me  Author Unknown Frequently after a preacher of the gospel declares the pure and plain Word of God in a scriptural and forceful manner, someone in the audience will complain to him, “You preached right at me!”  Actually it is a good thing for the complainer to apply the lesson in […]

Correction Is Grievous

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Correction is Grievous James W. Adams “Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way …” (Proverbs 15: 10). Few people are able to accept correction graciously. Our first inclination is always to justify self. This, no doubt, accounts for the bad spirit which is so manifest in brethren who have “forsaken the way” of […]

What Were They Told?

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What Were They Told? Author Unknown In the first century when sinners were convicted of their sins and obviously believed that “that same Jesus whom” they had “crucified” had been made “both Lord and Christ”, they said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, “Men and brethren, WHAT SHALL WE DO?” They were […]

Truth’s Narrow Door

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Truth’s Narrow Door Earl Kimbrough Jesus said, “Strive to enter in by the narrow door.” (Luke 13:24, RV). Truth is always narrow. This is true of all truth. Two plus two equals four. Of all the answers that might be given as the sum of two plus two, only one is right. A person who […]

The Tongue

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The Tongue Author Unknown “I’ve gossiped about my neighbor,” said the woman to her minister. “One day I saw her stagger across the yard, so I told a few friends that she had been drunk. Now I find that her staggering was caused by a leg injury. How can I undo this gossip I started?” […]

Preacher’s Point

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Preacher’s Point “I would rather have thousands to say to me at the judgment, ‘We heard you preach, and you hurt our feelings,’ than to have just one lost soul to say, ‘[ heard you preach, but you did not tell me the truth.’” (John T. Lewis)   

Bible Submission

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Bible Submission James A. Allen “To actually and truly stand upon the Bible then is to believe and do the things that the Bible teaches, and to leave undone everything that it does not teach. No man can allow his preference or his opinion to prevent him from doing anything that the Scriptures require; nor […]

A True Friend

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A True Friend “Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts, nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are – chaff and grain together, certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them – keep what is worth keeping, and […]

It’s Not in the Mirror

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It’s Not in the Mirror When you see a dirty face in the mirror you wash the face, not the glass. Don’t try to make God’s Word read differently but rather bring your spiritual activities into alignment with the Word of God. Remember friend, it isn’t the mirror it is you! James said: “For if […]

The Devil & Scripture

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THE DEVIL AND SCRIPTURE John Iverson In his “immortal” work, “The Merchant of Venice”, William Shakespeare had one of his characters say, “The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.” In this Shakespeare was eminently correct, for immediately following his baptism at the hands of John, Jesus was led into the wilderness, and tempted of […]

Never Follow Custom Blindly

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  NEVER FOLLOW CUSTOM BLINDLY     Author Unknown The new husband watched his wife prepare her first ham for the oven and noticed that she cut off a few inches from one end. Asked why she did that, she replied that her mother always did it the same way. They called Mother, and while she […]

It Doesn’t Take Much to Feed a Corpse

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It Doesn’t Take Much to Feed a Corpse Dalton Key Those of us living in the Texas Panhandle have been enjoying a strange and remarkable Spring. Due to several weeks of above-average rainfall, the usually parched, arid earth has become a virtual paradise, exuding life with luscious blades of green. A good friend fussed that […]

A Time for Growing Men

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A Time for Growing Men The nation was in the midst of the Great Depression and drought in 1930.  I was fifteen.  My mother and I lived alone on a small West Tennessee farm. We were attempting to scratch out a bare living from a worn-out farm with whatever abilities an ignorant boy, a widowed […]

Preach to Me!

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PREACH TO ME! Bill Crews Up and down in the land, day in and day out, by young and by old the banal little protest, “Don’t preach to me!” is heard. I cannot use it. My understanding, my conscience, and the needs of my soul won’t allow me. The Son of God came preaching. He […]

The Bible Says…

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THE BIBLE SAYS… Whit Sasser “…And these will go a way into everlasting punishment…” (Matthew 25:46) Those who do not know God or do not obey the good news of Jesus Christ shall be punished in a lake of fire (ll Thessalonians 1:8 9 and Revelation 21:8). It is commonly referred to as hell. Many […]

The Narrowness of the Bible

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THE NARROWNESS OF THE BIBLE Jarrod Jacobs  Have we ever heard someone outside the body of Christ criticize a Christian by saying, “Boy, is he narrow-minded!”?  I am sure we have heard this before. We may have said similar things as well. Has it ever occurred to us that the truth of God’s word is […]

A Paying Principle

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A PAYING PRINCIPLE God honors men who take His Word seriously. Stephen Girard, Philadelphia millionaire, one Saturday ordered his clerks to come to work the next day and unload a large shipment which had just arrived. One young man stepped up to the desk and said, as he turned pale, “Mr. Girard, I cannot work […]

The Devil’s Yard Sale

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THE DEVIL’S YARD SALE There’s an old fable that says the Devil once held a sale and offered all the tools of his trade to anyone who would pay their price. They were spread out on the table and each one labeled. They were hatred, malice, envy, despair, sickness, sensuality — all the weapons that […]


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SIN “ABC Evening News” reported on an unusual work of modern art- a chair affixed to a shot gun.  It was to be viewed by sitting in the chair and looking directly into the gun barrel.  The gun was loaded and set on a timer to fire at an undermined moment within the next hundred […]

We Are Searching

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WE ARE SEARCHING We are searching for people who have good and honest hearts open and receptive to the truth. (Lk. 8:15) We are searching for those who not only want to be religious, but who want to be right religiously. (Jer. 10:23) We are searching for those who believe the Bible to be the […]

Be Willing to Change

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BE WILLING TO CHANGE Paul Southern “God grant that I may always be right,” said a Scottish theologian, “For I never change.” One of his Calvinistic brethren declared, “I am always open for conviction, but I’d like to see the color of a man’s eyes who could convict me.” Each used different words, but both […]

Some Parents Say…

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Some Parents Say. . . “We will not influence our children in making choices and decisions in matters of religion.” Why not? The advertisements will. The press will. Their business will. The radio will. Television will. Their neighbors will. Their politicians will. We use our influence over flowers, vegetables, cattle—do you think we should avoid […]

Do You Believe in Hell?

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DO YOU BELIEVE IN HELL? Gilbert Alexander Do you really believe in heaven and hell? Do you really accept the possibility of your going to either place for eternity? Read Romans 2:2-16. If one is convinced of heaven, surely he is moved by its beauty and blessedness to desire to go there. But one cannot […]

“Morbus Sabbaticus”

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“MORBUS SABBATICUS” “Morbus Sabbaticus,” better known as “Sunday sickness,” is a disease peculiar to some church members. The symptoms vary, but these are generally observed: 1. It never lasts more than twenty-four hours. 2. It never interferes with the appetite. 3. It never affects the eyes. The Sunday newspapers can be read with no pain. […]

Is the Bible the Word of God?

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Is the Bible the Word of God? Quite simply, the answer to the above question is Yes! Without even looking about what the Bible says about its inspiration, there is plenty of evidence that it is a unique book. The books of the Bible were written by 44 men over a period of about 1500 […]

Some Think…

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SOME THINK… “Some think they are at liberty to introduce anything into God’s worship providing God has not, in so many words, prohibited it. This is evidently a mistake. Such a plan of procedure would open the flood gates for innumerable innovations. On this principle every kind of food and drink might be brought into […]

Ten Mistakes to Avoid

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TEN MISTAKES TO AVOID Remorse over yesterday’s failure. Anxiety over today’s problems. Worry over tomorrow’s uncertainty. Waste of the moment’s opportunity. Procrastination with one’s present duty. Resentment of another’s success. Criticism of a neighbor’s imperfections. Impatience with youth’s immaturity. Skepticism of our nation’s future Unbelief in God’s providence.

Signs of Spiritual Decline

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SIGNS OF SPIRITUAL DECLINE   1.   When you are averse to religious conversation or the company of heavenly minded Christians. 2.   When from preference, and without necessity, you absent yourself from religious services. 3.   When you are more concerned about pacifying conscience than honoring Christ in the performance of your duty. 4. […]


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COMPLACENCY  Complacency is a blight that saps, energy, dulls attitudes, and causes a drain on the brain. The first symptom is satisfaction with the things as they are. The second is rejection of things as they might be. “Good enough” becomes today’s watchword and tomorrow’s standard. Complacency makes people fear the unknown, mistrust the untried, […]

Are You Just Religious Or A Christian?

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ARE YOU JUST RELIGIOUS OR A CHRISTIAN? Leo B. Plyer There are many who would contend that those who are religious are Christians. This would, no doubt, be the contention of the denominational world. Even Webster’s Dictionary (which gives the meaning to words as they are commonly used), give as, one meaning, “one who believes […]

The Kind of Preaching We Need

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THE KIND OF PREACHING WE NEED Greg Gwin People may have various views about preachers and their work, but the Bible plainly states the kind of preaching that is needed in the world today. We need preaching that is: 1. Bible-based: The Lord told Jonah to “preach the preaching I bid thee” (Jonah 3:2). Some […]

How Can I Be Just a Christian?

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HOW CAN I BE JUST A CHRISTIAN? You can be just a Christian, nothing more or less, by obeying the gospel of Jesus Christ through faith (Rom. 6:3-5,17,18; 10:13-17; Heb. 5:9; Gal. 3:26,27, etc.). By doing exactly what the people in the first century did to become Christians, you will become exactly what they were: […]

The Best Day

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THE BEST  DAY Today, when I woke up, I suddenly realized that this is the best day of my life, ever! There were times when I wondered if I would make it to today; but I did! And because I did I’m going to celebrate! Today, I’m going to celebrate what an unbelievable life I […]

The Unbeliever’s Psalm

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THE UNBELIEVER’S PSALM “I have no Shepherd, I constantly want. Discontentedly I graze in parched fields; I can find no water in the paths of sinfulness, seeking pleasure. When I walk in the darkness of danger and death, I am afraid; I am all alone. No power or principle gives me comfort. There is no […]

For the Child’s Sake- Wake Up!

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FOR THE CHILD’S SAKE- WAKE UP! A.C. Moore  I recently read a story of a father who took his little child out into the woods one Sunday afternoon for a stroll. It being a very hot day he lay down under a beautiful shade tree. The little child ran here and there gathering flowers and […]

Do You Possess Good People Skills?

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DO YOU POSSESS GOOD PEOPLE SKILLS? 1.   Look Out For Others Interests As Well As Your Own: — “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others” (Phil 2:4). 2.   Treat Others Better Than The Way You Want To Be Treated: — “Let nothing be […]

There’s a Vast Difference

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“THERE’S A VAST DIFFERENCE” Selected Between being sorry for sin, And being sorry you were caught. Between confessing your sins, And confessing some other fellow’s. Between seeing your own faults, And seeing those of others. Between conversion of the head, And conversion of the heart. Between being led by the Holy Spirit, And being led […]

The Bible Is All We Have

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THE BIBLE IS ALL WE HAVE David D. Bonner Sometimes people ask what are we doing for our young people. We are teaching them the Bible. What are we doing for the old folks, faithful saints, unfaithful people, people who are not even Christians? Since the Bible is all we have, we are trying to […]

What Saves Us?

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“WHAT SAVES US?” Selected There are several different views on this subject and they all can not be right. Honesty demands that we look to the Holy Bible and accept all that it says about it. The scriptures teach that there are many things that save us. Some of them are as follows:   God’s […]

Honesty, Error, and Truth

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HONESTY, ERROR, AND TRUTH Eugene Britnell There are many good people in the world who are honestly mistaken, but when a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, one of two things must happen: He will cease to be mistaken or, he will cease to be honest. If he does not obey it, he […]

Give Me the Truth

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GIVE ME THE TRUTH Bill Crews If you are my friend, if you are concerned about my soul, give me the truth. Do not flatter me. Do not praise my virtues while remaining silent about my vices. Do not fear the truth will offend me. Do not treasure our friendship, our friendly relations, above my […]

The Story of Two Bears

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The Story of Two Bears In a village there lived an old couple who often had sharp quarrels. Suddenly they quit quarreling, and they were never heard to dispute after that. The town folk wondered what made the change. Finally one brave woman asked. “Two bears did it,” said the wife. “Two bears?” “Yes, two […]

Bring Them Up

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Bring Them Up W.R. Jones “And ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4) How do we bring our children up? We bring them up in television, movies and funny books. We bring them up in basketball, baseball, football and track. […]

Doesn’t It Seem Strange?

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DOESN’T IT SEEM STRANGE? Does it seem strange that the more active you are in the church the more you see the need to be at every service? The stronger your faith becomes, the more active your service is. If you feel nothing or think nothing about forsaking the various assemblies of the Lord’s church, […]

Only the Word of God

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ONLY THE WORD OF GOD Author Unknown What determines right? What is the standard of truth? The answer is; the Word of God only. Why? “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for […]

God Is Always There

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God is Always There We often feel as though God is far away And we often feel that He Is distant when we pray So often we feel lonely, Not knowing where to turn Just a touch from God above, Our longing spirits yearn So many times in our lives, God seems slow to act […]

Missing Services

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MISSING SERVICES Joel Raulerson    I remember my grandfather telling me a number of years ago, about an elderly gentleman who had an accident while farming. His tractor had tipped over, pinning the man for two days underneath the tractor. The way in which the man was discovered was something that was reported by a […]

Close to, Round About, Near By

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CLOSE TO, ROUND ABOUT, OR NEARBY (Author Unknown) One Sunday, a minister was illustrating his belief that baptism should take place by sprinkling, not by immersion. As examples, he said that when John baptized Jesus in the Jordan River, and when Philip baptized the eunuch in some water, it didn’t mean, “in” – it meant, […]

“For Better Or For Worse”

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“FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE” Kyle Campbell These familiar words form a part of just about every wedding ceremony I have ever attended. Living with someone all of your life takes true devotion and commitment. In 1816, the president of Yale was complaining because the divorce rate was 1% in the state of Connecticut. How […]

The Church Belongs to Christ Because:

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THE CHURCH BELONGS TO CHRIST BECA– USE: He built it. (Matt. 16:18) He is its foundation. (I Cor. 3:11) He is its chief corner stone. (Eph. 2:19-22) He purchased it with His blood. (Acts 20:28) He is its head. (Eph. 5:23) He governs its worship. (Jn. 4:24) He assigned its work. (Eph. 4:11-16) He is its […]

Truth’s Narrow Door

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TRUTH’S NARROW DOOR Earl Kimbrough Jesus said, “Strive to enter in by the narrow door.”  (Lk. 13:24, RSV)  Truth is always narrow.  This is true of all truth.  Two plus two equals four.  Of all the answers that might be given as the sum of two plus two, only one is right.  A person who […]

Wednesday Night Services

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Wednesday Night Services Whitt Sasser At Wednesday night services, the Bible is taught, the word of God Almighty. Wednesday night services increase our faith as we better understand and appreciate the unsearchable riches of God. Wednesday night services are a midweek respite from life in a sinful world, a recharge of our spiritual batteries. Wednesday […]

Which Are You?

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WHICH ARE YOU? A lot of Christians are comparable to a lot of things we could think of: Some are like wheelbarrows—not good unless pushed. Some are like kites—if you don’t keep a string on them, they fly away. Some are like footballs—you can’t tell which way they will bounce next. Some are like trailers—they […]


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Marriage: The marriage relationship is the closest relationship on earth. Closer than that between parents and children, between brothers and sisters, between the closest of friends. Young people should realize this and should go into the marriage with a full realization that they are to put their marriage companion ahead of their own parents and […]

Gifts You Can Give the Year Long

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Gifts You Can Give the Year Long  The Gift of Praise — Appropriate mention — right in front of the fellow — of superior qualities or of jobs or deeds well done. The Gift of Consideration — Putting yourself in the other fellow’s shoes, and thus providing your genuine understanding of his side of the […]

If We Tell Our Children

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If We Tell Our Children If we tell them that the Bible is the only source of spiritual food, but they never see us feasting on the precious promises, what are we teaching them? If we tell them that the Christian must pray without ceasing, but they never see us on our knees, what are […]

The Silent Slur

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The Silent Slur Speech may sometimes do harm; but so may silence and a worse harm at that.  No insult ever caused so deep a wound as a tenderness expected and withheld; and no spoken indiscretion was ever so bitterly regretted as the word that one did not speak.             […]

Practice Brotherly Love

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Practice Brotherly Love Practicing brotherly kindness or brotherly love is: 1.   The fulfilling of the law (Rom. 13:8-10). 2     The mark of a true disciple (Jn. 13:35). 3.    A command of Jesus (Jn. 15:12; 13:34; I Jn. 4:21). 4.    An essential characteristic of “walking in the light” (I Jn. 2:9,11). 5.    […]

Isn’t It Strange?

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Isn’t It Strange?  When one wants to know what the work of preachers, elders, and teachers is, one can easily cite numerous passages which give the answer. (II Timothy 4:1-6, I Peter 5:2, Acts 20:28, Titus 2:1-8, etc.)  When one wants to know the function of youth directors, recreation directors, chairmen, superintendents, coordinators, arch-bishops, popes, […]

A Prevalent Concept of Preaching

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A Prevalent Concept of Preaching James P. Needham Preachers sometimes think of themselves as the official interpreters of the Holy Scriptures; they are the “answer men.”  Everyone should put on his blindfold, open up the top of his head and let him fill his mind with “right ideas.”  Some brethren get terribly upset when anyone […]

This Could Never Happen

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This Could Never Happen Frank Dunn A customer shopping in a store came to an item that was marked 98 cents.  Thinking the price too high, he wrote 49 cents.  The customer did this to several articles.  At last he came down before the checker with the cart filled with marked down items.  The checker […]

The Backslider’s Hit Parade

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The Backslider’s Hit Parade “Tell Me the Old, Old Story,” if it doesn’t last too long. “Take My Life and Let It Be,” yes, please let it be, dear Lord. “Sweet Hour of Prayer” is indeed wonderful, but I’m too busy for prayer today. “Have thine Own Way Lord, with Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Gray. […]

Your Worst Enemy

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Your Worst Enemy Who is your greatest enemy?  It is said that Alcibiades, the gifted but unscrupulous Greek, was noted as an unhappy man.  Someone asked Socrates why it was that Alcibiades, who had traveled so much and had seen so much of the world, was still an unhappy man.  The sage answered, “Because wherever […]


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Amen David J. Riggs It appears to me that we are living in an age where preachers are trying to be sensational instead of spiritual, shocking instead of scriptural, cute rather than correct, clever instead of clear, different rather than doctrinal, and unusual in the place of unerring.  What we need today is more fearless […]

Let Us Negotiate

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“Let Us Negotiate” Don C. Bentley A hunter raised his rifle and took careful aim at a large bear.  When about to pull the trigger, the bear spoke in a soft soothing voice, “Isn’t it better to talk than to shoot?  What do you want?  Let us negotiate the matter. Lowering the rifle, the hunter […]

Are You a Sinner?

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Are You a Sinner? Then hear this……… God is not willing for your to be lost. 2 Pet. 3:9 He is able to save you.  Heb. 7:25 Christ loved you enough to die for you. Jno. 3:16 If you love the Lord, obey Him.  Jno. 14:15 Your friends want you saved.  Lk. 16:19 Your relatives […]

What Determines Right?

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What Determines Right? Bill Crews NOT REASON: “For seeing that in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom knew not God, it was God’s good pleasure through the foolishness of preaching (message preached) to save them that believe.” (1 Cor. 1:21). “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my […]

Painting Possums

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Painting Possums Greg Gwin Several years ago we knew a man with the unusual hobby of trapping possums. No, he didn’t eat them. He painted them! That’s right – he would catch these critters in a box trap, and then he painted them with fluorescent paint and released them. Sounds weird, doesn’t it? But this […]

A Swarm of B’s

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A SWARM OF B’S Be regular at church. Be punctual on all occasions. Be worshipful and reverent. Be generous and charitable of other’s mistakes. Be sociable. Be optimistic in all undertakings. Be doers of the Word and not hearers only.   From The Sentinel (11-21-48)

Does It Seem Strange . . .

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DOES IT SEEM STRANGE that the more active you are in the church the more you see the need to be at every service? The stronger your faith becomes, the more active your service is. If you feel nothing or think nothing about forsaking the various assemblies of the Lord’s church, rest assured you have […]

Do You Find the Services Dull?

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Do You Find the Services Dull? Some members find the services of the church dull and uninteresting. They attend only from a sense of duty, hoping to escape the eternal fires of hell. But they derive no joy from the services. Having come, they interest themselves in their neighbor’s clothes or children or other distractions, […]

Has This Ever Happened to You?

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Has This Ever Happened to You? You went through an entire song service without even thinking about what you were singing? You bowed your head and closed your eyes during the prayer, but you really didn’t become involved in the prayer? You were more interested in when the preacher would finish the sermon than in […]

The Devil’s Beatitudes

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The Devil’s Beatitudes If the devil were to write his beatitudes they might go something like this: Blessed are those who are too tired, too busy, too distracted to spend an hour once a week with their fellow Christians – they are my best workers. Blessed are those Christians who wait to be asked and […]

We Are Fooling Ourselves If We Believe

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We Are Fooling Ourselves If We Believe: Lalo Enriquez God can be mocked. The scripture says: “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked…” (Gal 6:7) To think that we can “turn up our nose to a loving God, sneer at or treat Him with contempt” without final retribution, is to fool ourselves. He may […]

The Devil Laughs

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THE DEVIL LAUGHS To hear a man say he has no way to attend the services when he can attend all the sporting events held within miles. To hear a woman say she can’t attend the services because she has nothing to wear, when she can parade herself before hundreds in any uptown bargain basement […]

He Made One Big Mistake!

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“He Made One Mistake” He brushed his teeth twice a day – with nationally advertised toothpaste! The doctor examined him twice each year! He slept with a window open each night! He stuck to a daily diet of fresh vegetables! He walked three miles everyday checking his heart rate along the way with his $100.00 […]

Some Rules for a Happy Marriage

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Some Rules for a Happy Marriage      1.    Never both be angry at once. 2.    Never talk at one another, either alone or in company. 3.    Never speak loudly to one another unless the house is on fire! 4.    Let each other strive to yield more often to do the […]


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Patience Mike Johnson The term “patience” frequently occurs in the Bible. Patience is a painful lesson to learn in the age in which we live, but Christians must have this trait. Christ praised the church at Ephesus for their patience (Rev. 2:2-3).  Hebrews 12:1 says that Christians are to “run with patience” the race that set before […]

How Is Your Vision?

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How Is Your Vision? Frank Himmel Jesus observed that . . . Some have envious eyes, longing for the material advantages they see others have (Matthew 20:15). Some have sensual eyes, looking to lust, thereby committing adultery in their hearts (Matthew 5:28-29). Some have critical eyes, looking for specks in others while ignoring obvious problems […]

Admonitions to Parents of Teens

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ADMONITIONS TO PARENTS OF TEENS David Pratt Always Be Consistent with Teens. Don’t compromise your standards just because they wear you down with asking. Live What You Expect of Your Teens. Don’t expect something of them you are not willing to do yourself. Don’t Throw Up Your Hands When You Fail. Like adults, teens can […]

I Don’t See Anything Wrong With That

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I Don’t See Anything Wrong With That  How many times have we heard this reply when we question some belief or practice which may be without Bible authority? The saddest thing about the statement is that many times it is really true. So many individuals have so little knowledge and understanding of the Bible when […]

Up Coming Sermons

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You Won’t Want to Miss These UPCOMING SERMONS A preacher in Arkansas really caused a disturbance when he made a public announcement of his upcoming sermons.  He mentioned that the theme would be “The Worthlessness of Our Christianity” and that some of the lesson titles would be: More Important Things To Do Than Study The […]

True Life

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True Life The goal of the gospel is to prepare people for heaven.  Its emphasis centers upon happiness in a life to come rather than upon this life.  “For what profit is it to be a man,” Jesus once asked, “if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?”  The Lord would teach […]

How You Can Know When You Are Slipping

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How You Can Know When You Are Slipping When you dislike religious conversation or the company of Christians. When you stay away from church by your own willful choice. When you worry more about a clean conscience than a clean heart. When you trifle with temptation or think lightly of sin. When you condemn in […]

Answer Your Prayers

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Answer Your Prayers A man prayed fervently every morning at family worship for the poor in the community, but he was never known to give anything to the poor.  One morning at the conclusion of the family worship, after the usual prayer had been offered for the needy, his little son said: “Daddy, I wish […]

Bystanders or Stand-byers?

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BYSTANDERS OR STAND-BYERS? A family once said:  “Yes, we think the church is necessary, and we attend some of its services.”  They were BY-STANDERS. Another family said:  “Yes we believe in the church, we never miss a service, except in case of sickness.”  They were STAND-BYERS.  Which are you?   From Visitor  (Thayer Street ) 5-27-45

How True

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How True  Sometimes when a congregation is seeking a preacher they want: The strength of an eagle, The grace of a swan, The gentleness of a dove, The friendliness of a sparrow, The night hours of an owl, The dress of a peacock. And when they find such a bird they expect him to live […]

Worst or Best?

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Worst or Best? David McPherson In Ephesians the second chapter, Paul in just a few verses shows the worst and best condition in which one can find himself. Consider the following: “Wherefore remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in […]

Is It Narrow Minded?

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IS IT NARROW MINDED? Jere Frost I don’t know about you, but I get a little weary of hearing the word “narrow” used as a slur against preachers who adhere to the Bible in their preaching. Sure they are “narrow,” but so are factory workers, surgeons, druggists, and teachers. The factory worker is so “narrow” […]

A Smile

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A Smile A smile costs nothing but gives much.  It enriches those who receive without making poorer those who give.  It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.  None is so poor but that he can be made rich by it.  A smile creates happiness in the home, fosters good […]

The Person Down the Road

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The Person Down the Road In thirty, forty, or fifty years you’ll meet a person down the road.  Whether that someone is kind and gentle or selfish and demanding depends on what you do today.  If you live only in terms of what you can get out of life, this person will be crabby, self-centered, […]

Money Will Buy

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Money Will Buy A bed, but not sleep. Books but not brains. Food but not appetite. Finery but not beauty. A house but not a home. Medicine but not health. Luxuries but not culture. Amusements but not happiness. Religion but not salvation.

What Is Personal Work?

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What Is Personal Work? It is discussing the cause of Christ with a friend. It is handing out a tract on a particular subject. It is inviting an acquaintance to attend worship with you. It is telling and showing your neighbor the happiness of being a Christian. It is ringing doorbells on Sunday afternoon in […]

How to Make a Failure out of Life

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How to Make a Failure out of Life Follow the line of least resistance. Be neutral on moral and spiritual issues.  Straddle the fence. Alienate yourself from the church membership. Go to church when you “feel” like it and when it is most convenient. Indulge you carnal appetites. Take it easy on Sunday and never […]

How to Make Your Bible Study More Interesting and Helpful

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How to Make Your Bible Study More Interesting and Helpful It is hard to find time to study the Bible–or even want to– when we don’t find it interesting or helpful to us.  Let me make some suggestions that may help. A Plan – Set aside some time (each day, if possible) to study the […]

Dangers of the Time

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Dangers of the Time The eventual subtle infiltration of error through centralized organization has always been a threat to the church–more so than a frontal attack of false doctrine and persecution from without.  One of the perils confronting the church of New Testament times was that of doubt and error arising from the false teachings […]

Do It Anyway

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Do It Anyway People are illogical, unreasonable and self centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfishness and ulterior motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Honesty […]

Don’t Worry So Much!

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Don’t Worry So Much! Steven Goad We are living in an age of apprehension.  Society has anxieties that would have dumbfounded the ancients.  Nevertheless, we somehow manage to live beyond three score and ten.  Has medical technology merely lengthen the days in which we may worry? Jesus long ago said, “Take therefore no thought (be […]

Not for Sale

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Not For Sale “I was traveling in rural Oklahoma when I ran out of gas.  I went to a nearby farmhouse to call a service station, but the farmer insisted on taking me to town, bringing me back, and even staying with me until the car was running again.  I offered him $10.00, but he […]

Things to Remember When in Worship

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THINGS TO REMEMBER WHEN IN WORSHIP Remember the purpose of worship is not to entertain or amuse one another, but it is to pay homage, love and honor to God. Remember the people in worship; they are not perfect, neither are you. Those   with imperfections are worshiping Him who is perfect. He who realizes his […]

Steamed Up Over A Sermon

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Steamed Up Over A Sermon? John Clark Did you ever get really “steamed up” over a sermon?  If you have not you have missed a fascinating human experience.  I have some “what to do in case of” thoughts on the matter.  Next time you get upset at a lesson, you try these things. First, you […]

“We Just Don’t Go to Church”

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“We Just Don’t Go to Church” Bill Crews A young couple who had not been to church services for a number of years asked, “What have we done wrong besides not going to church?” They had robbed God of thousands of dollars (1 Cor. 16:1,2); they had forsaken the Lord’s own memorial supper (1 Cor. […]

We Are Fooling Ourselves If We Believe:

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We Are Fooling Ourselves If We Believe: Lalo Enriquez  1. God can be mocked. The scripture says: “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked…” (Gal 6:7) To think that we can “turn up our nose to a loving God, sneer at or treat Him with contempt” without final retribution, is to fool ourselves. He […]

“It’s Hard to Be a Christian”

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“It’s Hard to Be a Christian”  “It’s hard to be a Christian” is an often heard statement, and often expressed conviction, an often repeated excuse and an often implied fact. It is quite true, it is hard to be a Christian, but an average sinner has all the temptations, trials, anxieties, worries, torments, and fears […]

Could It Be . . .

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COULD IT BE . . . …that people reject the Bible – not because it contradicts itself, but because it contradicts them? …that some brethren do not attend various worship periods and Bible study classes because Christ is not really their “first love?” …that Satan has lulled us into thinking that we are really standing, […]

Facing the Facts of the Bible

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Facing the Facts of the Bible Adam and Eve, for one bite of fruit when they were not even hungry, brought sin, suffering, shame and death upon themselves and the human race (Gen. 3). Lot’s wife revealing her longing for the things that pertain to earth, took one look back and became a pillar of […]

The Young People

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The Young People Greg Gwin More and more we hear folks deciding to attend a certain ‘church’ because “there are lots of good activities for the young people”. Often it is the sole basis for making this important determination. ‘Programs’, ‘activities’, and ‘groups’ for the young people – that’s the drawing card. And, what activities […]

Speaking As the Oracles of God

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Speaking As The Oracles Of God Irvin Lee “If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. […]

The Use of the Bible

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The Use of the Bible The Bible:                                      is not a “grocery shelf” to pick from as you like. (Many use it that way.) The Bible is from the all-wise God and is exactly what we need and must have to follow in order to be saved (see Acts 20:32, James 1:21, II Timothy 2:15-17). is […]

Automated Religion

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Automated Religion A man walked up to  a vending machine, put in a coin, pressed a button labeled “Coffee – Double Cream – Sugar.”  No cup appeared but the nozzles went into action, sending forth coffee, cream and sugar.  After the proper amounts had gone down the drain, the machine turned off.  “Now, that is […]

Rules for Bible Study

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Rules for Bible Study We should study to know what the purpose of the writer is, and to whom each book of the Bible is addressed. We should believe all of the Bible, not merely the portions that seem reasonable and that we fully understand. We gain an understanding of some difficult passages by repeatedly […]


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FAITHFULNESS A preacher was asked to define “faithful attendance at worship.” He replied that the best way to understand it was to apply the same standards of faithfulness that we do in other areas of our life. Consider the examples he gave: If your car started one out of three times, would you consider it […]

Lies About Sin

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 LIES ABOUT SIN Becoming like Christ is a never ending process. A Christian will not come to a point when he can say there are no struggles with sin in his life. Only in heaven will we be without sin. I believe that ‘s why John warned us to look out for three lies about […]

Wrong Is Always Wrong

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Wrong is Always Wrong  WRONG IS WRONG — Even if you don’t get caught. The eyes of  the Lord are in every place. WRONG IS WRONG — Even if you do it for a good cause. The end never justifies the means. The honorable purpose does not  justify a dishonorable deed or action. WRONG IS […]

Some People Are Like Eggs

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SOME PEOPLE ARE LIKE EGGS William M. Fletcher Someone once said that people are a lot like eggs, “They may look tough on the outside, but they’re pretty easily cracked.” God is fully aware of our humanness. He knows how weak we truly are. That’s why He’s concerned about our every need. He stoops with […]

Use of the Bible

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— USE OF THE BIBLE Mike Johnson People use the Bible in many different ways.  Sadly, some only use the Bible as a place to record marriages, births, deaths, etc. Some people use it to swear on, sometimes calling for an entire stack.  Others use it just as an ornament for a living room table, […]

Kill the Spider

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Kill the Spider One of the deacons was frequently called upon to pray at the mid-week service, and he always concluded his prayer the same way: “….and now Lord, clean out all the cobwebs in our lives.” I think you know what he was talking about – those little unsightly words, deeds and thoughts that […]

Modern Preachers

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Modern Preachers “The modern preacher takes a few tablets of the doctrine  of  Christ, dissolves them in a gallon or two of sentimental rose water, puts a little of the solution in an atomizer and sprays the congregation to the tune of “sweet spirited” Christianity and the fragrance of a gentle life. If, by evaporation, […]

What Is a Sermon for?

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WHAT IS A SERMON FOR? People often say after a service, “How did you like the sermon?” This is not the most important question to ask. The crucial question is not “Did you like it?” but “Did it HELP you?” Sermons are not preached TO BE LIKED but TO BE LIVED! Did the sermon bring […]

The Gospel- The Power of God

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The Gospel- The Power of God Eugene Crawley There has been, I am convinced, too much emphasis put upon building up the church in numbers, to the oversight and exclusion of making sure people know, understand, and obey from the heart the truth as revealed by Divine inspiration.  This has not been true everywhere nor […]

Teach Children True Values

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Teach Children True Values Lynn Headrick Children do not know true values.  A very small child will prefer a shiny copper coin to  a crumpled ten dollar bill.  Older children would eat all desert and no meat if parents allowed it.  Children will not look beyond this life unless they are taught about heaven and […]

Don’t Be Defeated by Criticism

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Don’t Be Defeated by Criticism  Constructive criticism should never be resented; it is to be our best friend. But there is another kind of criticism to which every truly successful person on earth is subjected.  This kind is unjust and often springs from a heart of envy, and only the strong and steadfast can endure […]

One “Round Tuit” for Everyone

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One “Round Tuit” for Everyone At long last we have a sufficient supply so that we can include one tuit in each copy of the bulletin.  Please cut out and save.  Guard it!  Don’t lose it!  Don’t lend it!  These tuits have been hard to come by, especially the round ones.  But now, by special […]

Five Tragedies of Life

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Five Tragedies of Life A man struck a match to see if the gasoline take on his car was empty. It wasn’t! A man patted a strange bulldog on the head to see if the critter was friendly. It wasn’t! A man speeded up to see if he could beat the train to the crossing. […]

Can We Have Too Much Positive Preaching?

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Can We Have Too Much Positive Preaching? Greg Gwin We readily acknowledge the importance of positive preaching.  Brethren need the “comfort of the Scriptures” (Romans15:4).  Paul sent Tychicus to the Ephesians so that he could “comfort your hearts.”  Timothy was dispatched to Philippi (Philippians 2:9) and Thessalonica (1 Thessalonians 3:2) in order to comfort the […]

Snap Judgments

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Snap Judgments While on a walk one day, I was surprised to see a man hoeing the garden while sitting in a chair. “What laziness,” I thought, but suddenly I saw leaning against his chair a pair of crutches. The man was at work despite his handicap. The lesson I learned about snap judgments has […]

It Cannot Be Denied

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It Cannot Be Denied IT CANNOT BE DENIED that those who attend Bible Study regularly have a greater knowledge of the Bible than those who do not attend. IT CANNOT BE DENIED that most of those who do not attend Bible study do not attend the other services of the church regularly either. IT CANNOT […]

Who, or What is Right?

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 Who, or What is Right? Very few preachers I have known or heard have mounted a rostrum to declare to an audience, “I am right in all that I believe, teach and practice and anyone who will not accept this cannot be right with God.” What I have heard, and through the years tried to […]

Someone Else

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Someone Else We are all saddened to learn this week of the death of one of our congregation’s most valuable members, Someone Else. Someone’s passing created a vacancy that will be difficult to fill. Else has been with us for many years, and for every one of those years, Someone did far more than a […]

A Note for the Preacher

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A NOTE FOR THE PREACHER Bob Pulliam I found your note on the door the other day. I just imagine that you came by to see why we were not at the services last Sunday. Well, I feel that I should explain so there will be no misunderstanding. You know that one thing we will […]

The Bible

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  THE BIBLE Richie Thetford A mother once gave her son a Bible and wrote these words inside the flyleaf: “This Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from this Bible.” How true those words are. When we take the time to study our Bible then we become more focused on […]

Why Some Are Not Asked

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Why Some Are Not Asked R.L. Whiteside Happy is the person whose conduct does not raise a question in the minds of others as to where he stands. Some people never have to answer the question, “Will you have a drink with me?” There is a reason. Some young people are never subjected to certain […]

How Is Baptism Administered?

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How Is Baptism Administered? WATER: “Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized,…” (Acts 10:47) MUCH WATER: “And John also was baptizing in Aenon near to Salim, because there was much water there:…” (John 3:23) GOING INTO WATER: “And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into […]

How Are You Using Your Time?

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How Are You Using Your Time? Greg Gwin Have you wondered why there never seems to be enough time to get everything done? Well, we may now have the answer. According to an article in U.S.News, an average American, in his lifetime, will spend: – 6 months at stoplights – 8 months opening junk mail […]

Some Thoughts About Public Prayer

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Some Thoughts About Public Prayer Greg Gwin We commend our men who are willing to help during the assemblies by leading the congregation in prayer. You are doing a good work! Please allow us to make a few suggestions that can improve our efforts in public prayers: 1) Speak UP! If you cannot be heard, […]

Everybody, Somebody, Anybody & Nobody

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EVERYBODY, SOMEBODY, ANYBODY & NOBODY Submitted by Somebody There was an important job to be done and everybody was asked to see if they could do it. Everybody was sure somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but nobody did. Somebody got real angry about that because it was everybody’s job. Everybody thought anybody […]

A Mother’s Beatitudes

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A Mother’s Beatitudes Blessed is the mother who understands her child, for she shall inherit a kingdom of memories. Blessed is the mother who knows how to comfort, for she shall possess a child of devotion. Blessed is the mother who is never shocked, for she shall receive confidences. Blessed is the mother who teaches […]

Now Is the Time to Obey the Gospel

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NOW IS THE TIME TO OBEY THE GOSPEL “Not yet,” said the youth. “I don’t want anything to interfere with my pleasure. When I grow older I’ll think about my soul.” “Not yet,” said the young married man. “I am just beginning to do well in life. When I see my business prospering, then I […]

On God’s Side

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ON GOD’S SIDE In life, it is rather normal for people to be on a side. When people go to a tournament, even though the teams playing are not related to some of the spectators, the spectators cannot long remain neutral — they begin pulling for one side or the other. People who do not […]

A Father’s Prayer

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A FATHER’S PRAYER Build me a son, O Lord, who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid; ONE WHO WILL BE PROUD AND UNBENDING IN honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory. Build me a son whose wishbone will not be where his […]

A Forgiving Heart

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A Forgiving Heart Greg Gwin Can you forgive your brother one time?  Maybe twice?  Three strikes and you’re out!  NO!  “Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him. And if he trespass against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day […]

You, Me, & The Bible

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You, Me, and The Bible You may understand the Bible and I may misunderstand it. I may understand it and you may misunderstand it. We may both misunderstand it – but differently. We may misunderstand it alike. However, we cannot both understand it – but differently. What kind of book would the Bible be if […]

Gopher Wood or Gopher Forest?

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Gopher Wood or Gopher Forest? In seeking to impress upon the minds of individuals the importance of respecting the authority of God’s word we use the example of God commanding Noah to build the ark of gopher wood. When God commanded Noah to build the ark of gopher wood we note (and correctly so) that […]

You’re Satisfied?

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You’re Satisfied? Jere E. Frost So what? The rich man was satisfied, but God called him a fool and took his life and condemned his soul. (Luke 12:20) The whole church at Laodicea was satisfied, but Jesus said they did not know that they were actually wretched, and miserable and poor and blind and naked […]

It Seems to be a Poor Joke . . .

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It seems to be a poor joke . . . When some woman blushes with embarrassment . . . When some heart carries away an ache . . . When something sacred is made to appear common . . . When a man’s weakness provides the cause of laughter . . . When a little […]

No Problem

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No Problem! When a person is eager to learn the way of salvation and is willing to accept the word of God as the final authority, there is no problem in teaching him what to do to be saved. When differences arise among brethren and all have a humble attitude, and there is a sincere […]

They Were All Wrong

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 They Were All Wrong A good many years ago, a preacher went into a town where there was no New Testament church. He preached in a house of worship and then in the market place of the city. Soon the religious leaders of the city heard him and invited him to address them. They thought […]

Counting God’s Promises

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Counting God’s Promises Two little girls were counting their pennies. One said, “I have ten pennies.” “No,” said the first little girl, “You have just five pennies, the same as I. “But,” the second child quickly responded, “My father said that when he got home tonight he would give me five pennies; so I have […]

The Longer I Live . . .

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The Longer I Live …  The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me is more important than facts. It’s more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It’s more important […]

Willing to Die

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Willing to Die Alan Smith How many people would you be willing to die for? Be honest now! Maybe your husband or wife, one of your children, but the list starts to get pretty short after that, doesn’t it? Can you imagine dying in the place of a convicted criminal? Someone is scheduled to die […]

Churches & Recreation

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  Churches & Recreation Larry Hafley By teaching the word of God and caring for its needy, each church of Christ fulfills its divinely appointed duties of evangelism, edification, and benevolence.  All who would engage the church in other activities have no authority for their practices. Money is obtained by the church to meet its […]

The Strength of a Church

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The Strength of a Church It is well to look at the strength of a congregation and then learn how to increase it. A Church’s strength does not necessarily depend on the number of its members. Many times we misjudge strength because we estimate strength by the number of members. We “count noses” rather than […]

A Preacher Who Wouldn’t Do

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A Preacher Who Wouldn’t Do      A church was in need of a preacher.  One of the elders was interested in finding out just what kind of a preacher the church wanted.  In order to do this he composed a letter as though it had been received from a preacher and read it to the […]

Hypocrites in the Church

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HYPOCRITES IN THE CHURCH The man who says he is kept from church by the hypocrites is not influenced by them anywhere else. Business if full of them, but if he by chance sees where he can make money, he does not hesitate because there are hypocrites making money. Society is crowded with them, and […]

Some Sad Situations

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Some Sad Situations People that worry more about the economy than the morality of our nation. Full jails and empty Bible school rooms. A society that is more concerned with material accumulation than spiritual growth. THINGS are more important that SOULS. People with fine clothes and filthy minds. So called Christians that must be invited […]

Do You Love the Truth?

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Do You Love the Truth? Jere Frost The lost are those who have been deceived by unrighteousness, and the reason they are deceived is because they do not have a love for the truth (2 Thess. 2:10). Love of the truth is therefore critical. There is a significant and discernible difference in claiming to love […]

Teach Children Values

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Teach Children Values Lynn Headrick Children do not know true values.  A very small child will prefer a shiny copper coin to a crumpled ten dollar bill.  Older Children would eat all desert and no meat if parents allowed it.  Children will not look beyond this life unless they are taught about heaven and hell. […]

We Don’t Have the Same Baptism

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  WE DON’T HAVE THE SAME BAPTISM Bryan Matthew Dockens Because there is only “one baptism” that God approves (Ephesians 4:4-6), any baptism that does not fit the description provided in Scripture must be rejected. I believe my sins were remitted when I was baptized (Acts 2:38).  If you believe the Lord took away your […]

The Tender Years

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The Tender Years H. Porter How wonderful it is today to see a young person obey the Lord and give his life to God. Yet, oft times those older in Christ forget that he will need encouragement and teaching. The young person faces temptations that are hard for him to resist. His schoolmates may be […]

Proper Dress for Battle

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PROPER DRESS FOR THE BATTLE David Sandlin Few men would dare go bear hunting with a buggy whip. You would not try to handle a burglar or robber with kid gloves. If a man is entering a ring for a 15 round fight, he would not appear in a swallowtail coat. So in going to […]

Bible Preaching

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BIBLE PREACHING John the Baptist’s message from the wilderness was not “Smile—God loves you.”  It was “O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come.” Jeremiah was not put into a miry pit for preaching, “I’m OK; you’re OK.”  It was for crying against adultery, idolatry and other wickedness […]

How Do You Go?

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HOW DO YOU GO? There are three types of Christians who respond to the call to service. Rowboat Christians—have to be pushed. Sailboat Christians—always go with the wind. Steamboat Christians—make up their minds where they ought to go and go there regardless of wind and weather.


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ATTENDANCE The reasons why I’m giving up sports; football in the fall, baseball in the summer, basketball in the winter.  I’ve had it all.  I quit attending sports once and for all, and here are my 11 excuses.   Every time I went, they asked for money.   The people I sat next to didn’t […]

The Power of the Gospel

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THE POWER OF THE GOSPEL Eugene Crawley There has been, I am convinced, too much emphasis put upon building up the church in numbers, to the oversight and exclusion of making sure people know, understand and obey from the heart the truth as revealed by Divine inspiration.  This has not been true everywhere nor with […]

Isn’t It Strange

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ISN’T IT STRANGE James P. Needham When one wants to know what the work of preachers, elders and teachers is, one can easily cite numerous passages which give the answer. (II Timothy 4:1-6, I Peter 5:2, Acts 20:28, Titus 2:1-8, etc.)  When one wants to know the function of youth directors, recreation directors, chairmen, superintendents, […]

Signs That You Are Slipping

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Signs That You Are Slipping WHEN the way to the meeting house SEEMS TOO FAR, WHEN it seems TOO MUCH TROUBLE to get ready or to get out in the weather to go to the service, WHEN the singing comes HARD and SEEMS DREARY, WHEN the sermon seems much TOO LONG, WHEN you see much you […]

You Finish the Story

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You Finish the Story There was once a congregation in which every member was just like you. Each one cooperated and supported every phase of the work just like you. Everyone worked as hard and attended the same services and gospel meetings that you did. The elders, deacons and preacher were all as interested in […]

Opinion or Faith

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Opinion or Faith John L. Clark Too many people have reduced religion to merely a matter of  opinion. The true religion of Christ is a matter of revelation — the revelation of God’s Will in the Bible. We are to walk by faith (2 Cor. 5:7), and faith comes from the Word of God (Rom. […]

A Voice from the Past

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A Voice from the Past “To actually and truly stand upon the Bible, then, is to believe and do the things that the Bible teaches and to leave undone everything that it does not teach.  No man can allow his preference or his opinion to prevent him from doing anything that the Scriptures require nor […]

Ain’t It Funny

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“Ain’t It Funny” * How we set our clocks to arise at 5:00 A.M. to be at the job by 7:30; yet, when Sunday comes, we can’t get to the church building for the 9:00 A.M. Bible study to learn more about the one who gave us our jobs. * How we call God our […]

When You Are Not Here at Services . . .

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When you are not here at services. . …there is a hole in the wall. A hole where the devil can enter in and do harm. A hole that mars the rest of the wall. ..there is a missing link in the chain. A weak point where a break can take place. A weak point […]

“Did You Know?”

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“Did You Know?” Selected That many people who plan to be saved from their sins the eleventh hour die at 10:30! The apostle Paul wrote: “We then, as workers together with Him also plead with you not to receive the grace of God in vain. For He says: “In an acceptable time I have heard […]

You Can . . . But You Can’t

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You Can … But You Can’t You can ignore God’s warnings: you can refuse His blessing; you can reject all his wondrous love; but you can’t go to heaven doing so. You can believe any doctrine you choose; you can belong to the church of your choice; you can worship God as you please; but […]

Almost Is Not Enough

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“Almost” is Not Enough Barney L. Keith It is sometimes said of an individual who has not yet obeyed the gospel, “I believe he is almost ready to be baptized,” or that “she is close to becoming a Christian!” Friend, are you one of those people? Can we not somehow impress upon you: That “almost” […]

Seven Things That Will Help You Grow Spiritually

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Seven Things That Will Help You Grow Spiritually Grover Stevens 1. LIVE and WORK to reach others each day as if you knew the world was going to come to an end next Sunday night. Think of that feeling of urgency and priority! (Read 2 Peter 3:1-12) 2. BE AS ENTHUSIASTIC about the church and its […]

What Kind of Drugstore Is This?

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“What Kind of Drugstore Is This?” Edward O. Bragwell, Jr. I saw a cartoon posted in a brother’s drug store with the caption saying in effect: “What do you mean you don’t have nuts and bolts?  What kind of drug store is this?”  Our society expects more from a drug store than just drugs.  The […]

The Church Died!

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  The Church Died! Joe Fitch Impressive churches dot the pages of Bible history – Antioch, Ephesus, Jerusalem, Philippi, Rome. From more recent restoration history, a host of names are recalled. But what finally happened to those churches? A few remain; most are gone. They died! Is this destined to be the final chapter of […]

The House of Mourning (Eccl. 7:2)

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The House of Mourning Mike Johnson Ecclesiastes 7:2 says, “Better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting, For that is the end of all men; and the living will take it to heart.“ Why is it better to go to the house of mourning than to the house […]

God’s Word Is Enduring (I Pet. 1:22-25)

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GOD’S WORD IS ENDURING Mike Johnson 1 Peter 1:22-25 says, “Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart, having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and […]

Why Is Sin So Bad? (Ps. 51:4)

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Why Is Sin So Bad? (Psalm 51:4) Mike Johnson Psalm 51 is thought to have been written by David in connection with his sin with Bathsheba.  You might recall that he had committed adultery with Bathsheba, and he had her husband (Uriah) killed to cover up his deed.  In Psalm 51, David was expressing his […]

Lie Not to One Another

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LIE NOT TO ONE ANOTHER Mike Johnson The sin of lying is prevalent.  However, this does not make it right.  A famous preacher, while preaching to a large audience, used as his text the story of Ananias and Sapphira and told how they lied, which resulted in God striking them dead.  The old preacher proclaimed, […]

A Faithful Man Who Feared God Above Many

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A FAITHFUL MAN WHO FEARED GOD ABOVE MANY  Mike Johnson The book of Nehemiah tells about the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem.  This work was done by the Jews who returned from the Babylonian captivity.  After completing the walls, Nehemiah appointed Hanani, his brother, and Hananiah as rulers of Jerusalem.  It is interesting to note the […]

The “Believe as You Please” Method Of Church Growth

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The “Believe as You Please” Method Of Church Growth Mike Johnson          Most congregations want to grow, but often churches today use methods to do so, which are contrary to Biblical principles.  One approach is the “Believe as You Please Method.”        This method of growth does not require any […]

A Useless Religion

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A USELESS RELIGION  Mike Johnson  James 1:26 says, “If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless.” Do you know that our religion can become vain? First, Jesus pointed out that our worship is futile if we teach the doctrine and […]

God’ Inspired Message

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GOD’S INSPIRED MESSAGE  Mike Johnson In I Thessalonians 2:13, Paul wrote, “For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also effectively […]