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156 Items

Too Late (Author Unknown)

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TOO LATE Author Unknown An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer‑contractor of his plans to leave the house-building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife, enjoying his extended family. He would miss the paycheck, but he needed to retire. They could get by. The contractor was sorry to […]

Sermon From an Old Couple (Author Unknown)

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Sermon From an Old Couple Throughout the years, I have heard many wonderful sermons that I have forgotten, but one sermon I have seen, and it has remained in my heart unto this day. It happened on a Sunday morning while on my way to services at a small congregation in Munich, Germany. It was […]

A Cow Fell From Heaven (Glen Young)

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A Cow Fell From Heaven  Glen Young The dazed crew members of a Japanese trawler were plucked out of the Sea of Japan clinging to the wreckage of their sunken ship.  Their rescue, however, was followed by immediate imprisonment once authorities questioned the sailors on their ship’s loss.  Every single one of them claimed that […]

Mules, Grudges, and Bitterness (Glen Young)

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Mules, Grudges, and Bitterness Glen Young A farmer leaned on the fence, which separated his farm from his neighbor’s adjoining field. He watched while his neighbor plowed his old mule with sullen difficulty. The farmer stood there watching his neighbor’s misery until he could take it no longer. “I don’t like to tell a fella […]

The Butterfly (Author Unknown)

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The Butterfly One day a small opening appeared on a cocoon. A man sat and watched for the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and could […]

Brief Exhortation (Reaping What We Sow)

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Brief Exhortations “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.” (Gal. 6:7-8) A farmer posted a “No Trespassing” […]

It Is Hard to Start Back (Dennis Tucker)

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It Is Hard to Start Back Dennis Tucker For three years I was a member of the Kiwanis Club. It is a good organization devoted to community projects. Once a week, we would meet and have lunch. At this time, a guest would speak to us on a particular topic. We had policemen come and […]

A Pioneer Preacher Proves a Point About Infant Baptism (Greg Gwin)

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A Pioneer Preacher Proves a Point About Infant Baptism Greg Gwin Many stories are told about pioneer preacher “Raccoon” John Smith. He was a man of strong conviction and clever wit. One of the better known incidents in his preaching work is related in this excerpt from a biographical sketch … Noticing, one day, that […]

Don’t Be Like the Flea

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DON’T BE LIKE THE FLEA ‘Tis said that a flea rode across a bridge one day in the ear of an elephant.  After they were on the other side, the flea said to the elephant, “Boy, we sure shook that bridge.” Too many church members ride on the efforts of others but are ready to […]

You Can’t Please Everybody (Jimmy Tuton)

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You Can’t Please Everybody I am reminded of an old Spanish parable about a man, a boy, and a donkey.  They were all three walking down a dusty road on a hot summer day.  Someone passed, and they overheard him say, “Look at those foolish people walking when they could be riding the donkey.”  Not […]

“A Wise Man’s Heart Discerneth . . . Time & Judgment” (Alan Smith)

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“A Wise Man’s  Heart  Discerneth . . . Time & Judgment” Alan Smith  A preacher, a politician and an engineer were led to the guillotine.  The preacher was asked if he wanted to be face up or face down when he met his fate.  The preacher said that he would like to lie face up […]

“I Don’t Care What God Says”

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“I Don’t Care What It Says” Steven F. Deaton In the course of a discussion the other day, I asked a man to read a certain chapter from the Bible and get back to me about our topic.  He said he would read it, but it would not matter what it says, because he would […]

I Once Shot a Woodpecker

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I Once Shot a Woodpecker I was looking through the hometown newspaper the other day and I came across this: A speaker was lecturing on Forest Reserve. Speaker: I don’t suppose that there is a person in the house who has done a single thing to conserve our timber resources. Silence ruler for several seconds, […]


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T.N.T. A preacher once sent a number of books from his personal library (among them a copy of the New Testament) to be rebound. On the return of his books, he was startled to discover on the spine of the New Testament–in gold embossed letters–the initials “T.N.T.” You see, there was no room to spell […]

What Then? (David Sain)

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What Then? David Sain On graduation night, a father asked, “Son, what are your plans?” The boy answered, “Dad, you know that I’m going to college.” The dad said, “That’s right, but what then?” The boy replied, “Well, I’ll want to get a good job and hopefully get married.” The dad said, “That’s also fine, […]

Practice What You Preach (Jerral Kay)

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Practice What You Preach Jerral Kay A fountain pen salesman persuaded a merchant to order 500 dozen pens. He was writing the order in his notebook when suddenly the merchant exclaimed, “Hold on! I’m canceling that order!” Then he turned to wait on a customer. The salesman left the store perplexed and angry. Later, the […]

Just Like My Dog!

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Just Like My Dog! A little lad of six was invited out to lunch in a neighbor’s home.  As soon as all were seated at the table, the food was served.  The little boy was puzzled, and with a child’s frankness, asked, “Don’t you say a prayer before you eat?”  The host was uncomfortable and […]

A Round Tuit

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A Round Tuit This is a round tuit. Guard it with your life! Tuits are hard to come by, especially the round ones. It will help you become a much more efficient worker. For years you’ve heard people say, “I’ll do that when I get a round tuit.” So now that you have one, you […]

Are You Rich?

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ARE YOU RICH? They huddled inside the storm door . . . two children in ragged, outgrown coats. “Any old papers, lady?” I was busy, I wanted to say no . . . until I looked down at their feet . . . their little sandals sopped with sleet. “Come in, and I’ll make you […]

The Glory of Old Age

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The Glory of Old Age Lord, keep me from the fatal habit of thinking that I must say something on every subject and on every occasion. Release me from craving to straighten out everybody’s affairs. Make me thoughtful but not moody; helpful but not bossy. With my vast store of wisdom, it seems a pity […]

Will You Still Love Me?

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Will You Still Love Me? Will you still love me if I don’t know your name, When my eyes have failed and nothing’s the same? When I don’t know the date or even my age, Or what is this book and where is the page? Will you take time to remember and cherish our past […]

The Lost Boy

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THE LOST BOY Once a little boy was lost in the woods. The alarm was sounded, a church meeting was broken up, the whole neighborhood aroused. Fishermen abandoned their nets, and merchants closed their shops. Plows were left in the fields and washings in the tubs. Everyone turned out to look for the little fellow. […]

Mental Attitudes

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Mental Attitudes Author Unknown Tom Jones and Sam Brown went to a church service on Sunday morning. They entered side by side. They sat in the same pew. After the last song and benediction, they arose and departed as they had come. Said Tom Jones to Sam Brown, “The service was a soul-feast. The songs […]

Cleaning Out the Barn

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Cleaning Out the Barn Mark McCrary Growing up, this was the job I hated the most (and, hated is not too strong a word). Three times a week I had to clean out the feed room in the barn.  That includes everything you think would be included. It was a stinky, unpleasant job.  I did […]

The Drive Through

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The Drive Through Sheldon Smith This morning on the way to work, I decided to stop by McDonald’s. It was one of those newly designed restaurants with the double drive-through. There were several cars in each line. The normal process is for cars to form a single line after putting in their order. It’s kind […]

Exaggeration (Shane Williams)

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EXAGGERATION Shane Williams I heard a story recently of a woman who was talking to her preacher.  She said, “I have a habit that I know is hurting my example — the habit of exaggeration.  I start to tell something and I go on and on enlarging the story.  People suspect that it’s not true. […]

Biblical Authority (TREATISE)

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BIBLICAL  AUTHORITY  Mike Johnson   “For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also effectively works in you who believe.” (1 Thess. […]

Changing the Labels Makes Sin More Dangerous

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Changing the Labels Makes Sin More Dangerous One of America’s great needs is to recognize sin for what it is.  We are too prone to explain it away or to soften its horrors. Wilbur Chapman tells of a distinguished minister who preached on sin, and one of the leading members came to talk to him […]

Remember the Duck

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Remember the Duck Author Unknown  There was a little boy visiting his grandparents on their farm. He was given a slingshot to play with in the woods. He practiced in the woods, but he could never hit the target. Getting discouraged, he headed back inside for lunch. As he was walking back, he saw his […]


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ASLEEP A preacher once said to a group: One day, I came upon a drunken man asleep on the railway tracks, and the express was due.  What would you have done?  Each answered quickly, “I would have dragged him off of the track in a hurry!”  “Well,” said the preacher, “that is the state of […]

Jumping to Conclusions

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Jumping to Conclusions Guthrie Dean An elderly lady, the self-appointed supervisor of a little rural village’s morals, accused a workman of having turned to drink because “with her own eyes” she had seen his wheelbarrow standing outside a tavern. The accused made no defense, but that evening he parked his wheelbarrow outside her house and […]

What Are You Making?

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What Are You Making Phil Sanders While on a trip to Switzerland, an American businessman was watching a Swiss clock maker carving the case of an ornate cuckoo clock. As the businessman watched the clock maker carve out the case, he was astounded at his slow rate of progress. The businessman finally said, “My good […]

Send the Fire Truck!

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Send the Fire Truck! Dudley Ross Spears In a small eastern Kentucky town, the local police chief also served as part of the Volunteer Fire Department. His job was to answer the phone and in the event of a fire was to ring the fire bell to summons all the volunteer firemen in the county. […]

Which Bone Are You?

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Which Bone Are You? Someone has divided church the church members into three general classes; the wishbones, the jawbones, and the backbones. The wishbones languidly hope that the church will prosper without them. The jawbones do the criticizing. The backbones get under the load and carry it along. Analyze yourself.  Which are you? From “The […]

Subjective Interpretations of Feelings and Experiences

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Subjective Interpretations of  Feelings and Experiences Dennis Abernathy Did you hear the story of a farmer who decided to quit farming and become a preacher? When asked why he made such a decision, the farmer said: “God called me to preach.” When asked how God called him to preach, he said he saw clouds in […]

Where Are Your Priorities?

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Where Are Your Priorities Jim Mickells It was a 99° September day in San Antonio, when a 10-month-old baby girl was accidentally locked inside a parked car by her aunt. Frantically, the mother and the aunt ran around the auto in near hysteria, while a neighbor attempted to unlock the car with a clothes hanger. […]

True Riches

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True Riches Author Unknown One day a father and his rich family took his son to a trip to the country with the firm purpose to show him how poor people can be. They spent a day and a night in the farm of a very poor family.  When they got back from their trip […]

The Tongue

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The Tongue Author Unknown “I’ve gossiped about my neighbor,” said the woman to her minister. “One day I saw her stagger across the yard, so I told a few friends that she had been drunk. Now I find that her staggering was caused by a leg injury. How can I undo this gossip I started?” […]

What’s in Your Bucket?

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What’s in Your Bucket?   Author Unknown If you were walking from the well carrying a bucket of water and someone jostled you, there could be spilled from the bucket only what it contained. As you walk along the way of life people are constantly bumping into you. If your life is full of ill […]


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Poison Author Unknown A worldly-wise lady said, “Oh! Oh! All the religions have so much good in them! We shouldn’t criticize or condemn any of them.” To this, a wise man replied, “So has rat poison a lot of good in it; it is 98% cornmeal, yet the 2% poison in it is enough to […]

I Wanted to Change the World

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I Wanted to Change the World   When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldn’t change the nation, I began to focus on my town. I couldn’t change the town […]

It’s Not in the Mirror

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It’s Not in the Mirror When you see a dirty face in the mirror you wash the face, not the glass. Don’t try to make God’s Word read differently but rather bring your spiritual activities into alignment with the Word of God. Remember friend, it isn’t the mirror it is you! James said: “For if […]


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  ASSUMPTIONS A traveler, between flights at an airport, went to a lounge and bought a small package of cookies.  Then she sat down and began reading a newspaper.  Gradually, she became aware of a rustling noise.  From behind her paper, she was flabbergasted to see a neatly dressed man helping himself to her cookies.  […]

Never Follow Custom Blindly

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  NEVER FOLLOW CUSTOM BLINDLY     Author Unknown The new husband watched his wife prepare her first ham for the oven and noticed that she cut off a few inches from one end. Asked why she did that, she replied that her mother always did it the same way. They called Mother, and while she […]

Shrinking the Income

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SHRINKING THE INCOME Years ago a young man knelt with his preacher and prayed as he committed himself to give a tenth of what he made to the Lord. His first week’s pay was $10.00 and the tenth was $1.00. As he grew older, he became more prosperous and his tenth became $5.00, then $7.50, […]


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SIN “ABC Evening News” reported on an unusual work of modern art- a chair affixed to a shot gun.  It was to be viewed by sitting in the chair and looking directly into the gun barrel.  The gun was loaded and set on a timer to fire at an undermined moment within the next hundred […]

The Burning Hut

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THE BURNING HUT The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited island. He prayed feverishly for God to rescue him, and every day he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed forthcoming. Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to protect him from the elements […]

Going Fishing Without Bait

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Going Fishing Without Bait A fisherman had planned a special fishing trip for several months. He made out a list of essentials and scratched each item off as he packed. He had his car checked and serviced. All of his appointments were under control. Everything was ready. He even made sure to leave his wife […]

Don’t Play With Sin

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DON’T PLAY WITH SIN Sin is nothing to play with. It has the strength to defeat you if you get too close to it with excessive confidence in your own strength. A well-to-do man advertised for a chauffeur. Three applicants came. His first question was, “How close to the edge of a cliff can you […]

Drop a Pebble in the Water

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DROP A PEBBLE IN THE WATER James W. Foley Drop a pebble in the water; just a splash, and it is gone But there’s half-a-hundred ripples circling on and on and on Spreading, spreading from the center, flowing on out to the sea And there is no way of telling where the end is going […]

Total Commitment

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TOTAL COMMITMENT A little church was having a homecoming service to which ex-members, who had moved away, were invited to attend. One of the former members had become a millionaire.  When asked to speak, the wealthy man recounted his childhood experience. He had earned his first silver dollar which he had decided to keep forever.  […]

Taking Vows Seriously

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The Marriage Promise TAKING VOWS SERIOUSLY Author and business leader Fred Smith writes: One of my treasured memories comes from a doughnut shop in Grand Saline, Texas. There was a young farm couple sitting at the table next to mine. He was wearing overalls and she a gingham dress. After finishing their doughnuts, he got […]

Never Lost a Case

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“NEVER LOST A CASE” I once lived in a community where a certain Methodist preacher preached more funerals than one could possibly believe. Methodists as well as others. One day I heard a local citizen say that he wanted him to preach his funeral. When asked why, he replied, “Well, I have never heard him […]

It’s a Truth

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IT’S A TRUTH If students went to school like some people go to church (when they feel like it), they would fail. If an employee went to work like some people go about teaching others (indifferently), they would be fired. If a person ate meals like some partake of the Lord’s Supper (irregularly), they would […]

Giving of Precious Gifts

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GIVING OF PRECIOUS GIFTS Author Unknown We need to remind ourselves of gifts that can be given or exchanged throughout the year that will always he appreciated. Consider: THE GIFT OF PRAISE: Appropriate mention, right in front of the other person, of appreciation for a job or of deeds well done. THE GIFT OF CONSIDERATION: […]

Are You Ready to Die?

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ARE YOU READY TO DIE? An eager‑to‑win‑souls barber had a rather curious way of beginning evangelistic conversations with his clients. As he laid his customer back in the chair and soaped his face, he would then strop his razor and place its honed edge to the man’s neck as he asked, “Are you ready to […]

Who Is to Blame For This Accident?

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WHO IS TO BLAME FOR THIS ACCIDENT? Two young people were involved in an automobile accident. The young girl, a high school student, was badly injured and her companion was killed. Their parents found out from hospital attendants that the young couple had been drinking at the time of the accident. The girl’s father flew […]


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Question Author Unknown During my second month of nursing school, our professor gave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious student and had breezed through the questions, until I read the last one: “What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?” Surely this was some kind of joke. I had […]

Satan “Goes to Church”

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SATAN “GOES TO CHURCH” An old legend relates that a pious man met Satan one day coming into the church building. “What are you doing here?” asked the man. “I thought you never set foot inside the church building.” “Oh yes,” answered Satan. “Where there is praying and preaching against me, I must see to […]

The Preacher And the Barber

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THE PREACHER AND THE BARBER A preacher and an atheistic barber were once walking through the city slums. Said the barber to the preacher; “This is why I cannot believe in a God of love. If God was as kind as you say, He would not permit all this poverty, disease, and squalor. He would […]

Don’t Punch the Parrot!

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DON’T PUNCH THE PARROT! Joe R. Price Charlie was a good friend, but the man just couldn’t take it any more. Charlie’s unending shrieking and constant screeching were driving him crazy. The man, frustrated that his girlfriend had left him, now took matters into his own hands. He punched Charlie. But the problem was not […]

Build Wisely

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BUILD WISELY An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer-contractor of his plans to leave the house-building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife enjoying his extended family. He would miss the paycheck, but he needed to retire. They could get by. The contractor was sorry to see his […]

Perils of Communication

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PERILS OF COMMUNICATION This story is told: There was a woman whose husband was a sailor, and he had gone to sea. After the preacher was already up in the pulpit, the wife sent a note up to him which read, “William Smith having gone to sea, his wife requests the prayers of the congregation […]

Daily Survival Kit

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DAILY SURVIVAL KIT Items Needed:   1.  Toothpick   2.  Rubber Band 3.  Band Aid  4.  Pencil 5.   Eraser  6.  Chewing Gum  7.  Mint  8.  Candy Kiss  9.  Tea Bag Why??? 1) TOOTHPICK – to remind you to pick out the good qualities in others. (Matt. 7:1-2) 2) RUBBER BAND – to remind you […]

For the Child’s Sake- Wake Up!

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FOR THE CHILD’S SAKE- WAKE UP! A.C. Moore  I recently read a story of a father who took his little child out into the woods one Sunday afternoon for a stroll. It being a very hot day he lay down under a beautiful shade tree. The little child ran here and there gathering flowers and […]

The Wooden Spoon

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THE WOODEN BOWL A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and four-year-old grandson. The old man’s hands trembled, his eyesight was blurred, and his step faltered. The family ate together at the table. But the elderly grandfather’s shaky hands and failing sight made eating difficult. Peas rolled off his spoon onto […]

A Dying Church

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A DYING CHURCH 1. A church that does nothing is on the way to the cemetery! 2. All who are so busy with their own affairs who don’t have time to devote to the work, donate a wreath. 3. The brother who says nothing at all is driving the hearse. 4. The ones who are […]

A Father’s Greatest Sermon

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A FATHER’S GREATEST SERMON The farmer and his family, after a hard year of typical farm work, were rewarded with an unusually fine crop of grain.  There were happy days ahead. Just a few days before harvest came a terrible wind and hail storm.  The entire crop was destroyed!  After the storm was over, the […]

Which Are You?

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WHICH ARE YOU? A lot of Christians are comparable to a lot of things we could think of: Some are like wheelbarrows—not good unless pushed. Some are like kites—if you don’t keep a string on them, they fly away. Some are like footballs—you can’t tell which way they will bounce next. Some are like trailers—they […]

Are We Looking for the Right Packaging?

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Are We Looking for the Right Packaging?  A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer’s showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted.  As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited […]

Where Is God?

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Where Is God? One Sunday morning a prominent instructor was sharing his seat with a small boy on a shuttle train in one of the large cities.  The boy was holding a Sunday School quarterly. “Do you go to Sunday School, my boy?” asked the man.  “Yes Sir,” he promptly replied.  “Tell me, my boy” […]


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Tombstones Delton Porter Perhaps you have heard of Dooley the Moonshiner about whom a song has been written.  According to the song, when Dooley died “they laid a jug beside him and a barrel for a stone.”  It seems they put with his body what was associated with him in life, to show how he […]

Three People Not to Emulate

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THREE PEOPLE NOT TO EMULATE Church-wise, the following three people in our community may prove threatening for their not-too-common ways. The first person is Brother Usta.  Usta is the person who “usta” attend Bible Class and church regularly.  He “usta” teach a class and be a deacon, an elder, or hold a position of leadership […]

The Farmer

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The Farmer  A minister once visited a farmer to talk with him about Christ and invite him to Church.  “Why, I would not come to church up there,” the farmer said, “I know old (bland) and (blank) and they don’t live any better than me.  I’m as good as they are.”  Everywhere the farmer went […]


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Feelings A Dutchman lost his boy in Cincinnati.  He tells his story in the following language: “I hunted all day for my boy, and about night I found him sitting in the mud by the canal.  He was muddy all over.  When I found my boy, he cried and I cried.  I hugged my boy […]

Are You a Christian?

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Are You a Christian Then hear this………. Let your light shine before men.  Mt. 5:16 Let your “salt” contact others.  Mt. 5:13 Show you are God’s representative.  Mt. 28:18-20 Keep thyself pure.  I Tim. 5:22 Do not forsake the assembly.  Heb. 10:25


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Excuses:  Perhaps too many of us are like the two men who went quail hunting on Sunday morning.  One said, “We are liable to go to the devil for going hunting when we ought to be at Church.” The other replied, “Well, I couldn’t have gone anyway, because I have a sick child at home.”

The Note on the Door

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The Note on the Door Charlie T. Garner (This is a true story.  I know personally the parties involved.) Love dwindled, unhappiness and dissatisfaction grew, daily fussing and fighting characterized the relationship of the husband and wife, and ultimately, a divorce wrecked the home, leaving two bewildered, emotionally scarred children in its wake.  The father […]

Things to Keep in Mind

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  Things to Keep in Mind The value of a clock is its reputation for accuracy. The value of a wrench is its ability to adjust a problem. The value of a car is its ability to perform well upgrade. The value of a stamp is its ability to stick to the end. The value […]

Bring Me the Bible

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Bring Me the Bible The man of the house said to his little son:  “Son bring me the Bible- you know, the big book we read so much.”  So little Bobby came in carrying the mail order catalog.                                   […]

He Knew His Bible

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He Knew His Bible The minister was asking some preliminary questions to his class.  “Johnny,” he asked, “can you tell me a few things that may be found in the Bible?”  “Yes sir,” enthusiastically replied Johnny, “a lock of my hair when I was a baby, the ticket for pa’s watch, ma’s recipe for vanishing […]

Could It Be True?

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Could It Be True? We heard of a man in Texas who would not consent to having his name placed before the congregation to serve as an elder.  This was his reason. “I drink quite a bit and love to dance.  I am also inclined to gamble, and my attendance is not what it should […]

A Work With Purpose

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A Work With Purpose  A man who ran a lumber yard was in the process of hiring a foreman.  Three men applied for the job.  They each were assigned the task of moving a pile of brick from one side of the lumberyard to the other.  Upon completion of this task, they were told to […]

An Alarming Death Notice!

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An Alarming Death Notice! We are sorry to announce the passing of Mr. Midweek Service.  He died recently at the Neglected Church on Ho Hum Avenue.  Born many years ago, he was once strong and healthy.  He grew as he was fed on zeal and sincere Bible study.  His influence was felt worldwide, and he […]

Green Side Up

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“Green Side Up” Horticulture is an “in” thing around our house.  As most are aware, our eldest son is fully involved in that field.  Although we have never had this experience with James, it is a story that has been around for a considerable time.  Let me share it with you and then make some […]

An Antidote

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An Antidote There grows in the West Indies a tree of surpassing beauty.  It’s fruit which resembles a golden apple, emits the most delicious fragrance.  Strangers, ignorant of it’s appearance, sometimes pluck and eat this fruit whose juice is deadly poisonous.  This tree, however, called the “manchineel,” is always found beside a white wood or […]

A Lie Is Forever

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A Lie Is Forever A little girl came very early one morning to her mother, saying, “Which is worse, Mama, to tell a lie or to steal?”  The mother replied that both were so sinful she could not tell which was worse. “Well, Mama,” replied the little one, “I’ve been thinking a good deal about […]

The Cornbread Habit

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   The Cornbread Habit A. G. Hobbs, Jr. “There is a man who has the ‘cornbread habit! He just had to have a piece of cornbread every twenty or thirty minutes. Every morning as soon as he awakens, the first thing he thinks about is his cornbread. He eats a piece before he dresses, and […]

Just Push!

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JUST PUSH! A man was sleeping. and he dreamed…Suddenly his room filled  with light, and God appeared. The Lord told the man he had work for him to do, and showed him a large rock in front of his cabin. The Lord explained that the man was to push against the rock with all his […]

The Trouble Lies Deeper

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THE TROUBLE LIES DEEPER A good story is told of old Thomas K. Beecher, who could not bear deceit in any form.  Finding that a clock in his church building was habitually too fast or too slow, he hung a placard on the wall above it which read: “Don’t blame the hands— the trouble lies […]

A Paying Principle

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“A Paying Principle” God honors men who take His Word seriously. Stephen Girard, Philadelphia millionaire, one Saturday ordered his clerks to come to work the next day and unload a large shipment which had just arrived. One young man stepped up to the desk and said, as he turned pale, “Mr. Girard, I cannot work […]

The Lonely Frog

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The Lonely Frog John Gaines A lonely frog telephoned the Psychic Hotline and asked what his future holds. His Personal Psychic Advisor tells him, “You are going to meet a beautiful young girl who will want to know everything about you.” The frog is thrilled, “This is great!” ‘Will I meet her at a party?’” […]

What Are You Going to Do About It?

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Could I Be Wrong?  There was a man who had a picture of the leaning tower of Pisa on the wall. Every morning, it was hanging crooked. He found out that the maid was twisting the picture to make the tower straight. Lots of people look into God’s Word and find out that it does […]

They’ll Do It Every Time

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They’ll Do It Every Time The Preacher had just concluded a hot and scathing sermon on the sin of swearing. He had stated several times that he knew one of his hearers was guilty. When the sermon was over, the people filed out the door. First was a lady who was never suspected of using […]

A Habit Can Be Like A Growing Serpent!

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A HABIT CAN BE LIKE A GROWING SERPENT!      There is a true story of a man who took a young boa constrictor and began to train it to climb around the different limbs of his body.  As the snake grew to be of immense size, the man made his living by giving public appearances […]

Jumping to Conclusions

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JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS Some time ago there was a faithful dog who was a constant companion of a small child.  One day both the dog and child disappeared.  A diligent search by parents, friends, and neighbors proved to be fruitless.  The child could not be found. After several hours the dog returned home, but was […]

Don’t Wait for the Parrot to Die!

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Don’t Wait For The Parrot To Die! By Glen Young The pet store owner convinced the old woman that a parrot would keep her company because it would talk to her. When she returned it the next day, she told the owner, “This bird doesn’t talk.”      “Does he have a mirror in his cage?” […]

Actions Generate Reactions

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Actions Generate Reactions By Glen Young I heard a story recently about a student named Donald MacDonald from the Isle of Skye (in Scotland). He was admitted into the prestigious Oxford University and given living accommodations in the hall of residence for his first year. His clan was very excited that one of their own […]

Kill the Spider

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Kill the Spider One of the deacons was frequently called upon to pray at the mid-week service, and he always concluded his prayer the same way: “….and now Lord, clean out all the cobwebs in our lives.” I think you know what he was talking about – those little unsightly words, deeds and thoughts that […]

“Break It to Me Gently”

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“Break It To Me Gently” There were two brothers, John and Richard, who lived in the same town. John lived with his twelve-year-old cat. Richard lived with their eighty-eight year old mother. John’s whole life was his cat. He never went anywhere without her. One day he was faced with a terrible decision. He had […]

Kissing the Bathroom Mirror

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Kissing The Bathroom Mirror! By Glen Young The story is told of a principal of a small middle school who had a problem with a few of the older girls starting to use lipstick. When applying it in the bathroom, they would then press their lips to the mirror and leave lip prints. Before it […]

One “Round Tuit” for Everyone

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One “Round Tuit” for Everyone At long last we have a sufficient supply so that we can include one tuit in each copy of the bulletin.  Please cut out and save.  Guard it!  Don’t lose it!  Don’t lend it!  These tuits have been hard to come by, especially the round ones.  But now, by special […]

What Are You Giving?

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WHAT ARE YOU GIVING? Jesus gave His head for a crown of thorns.  He gave His back to the cruel lash.  He gave Hid face to rude human spittle.  He gave His shoulders to carry the cross.  He gave His hands for you and me.  He gave His blood for the remission of sins.  His […]

Positively No Visiting!

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Positively No Visiting! Recently, while visiting patients in a hospital, we observed several signs saying, “No Visiting.”  Then we came to a sign that said, “Positively No Visiting.”  I suppose some day we will find one that will read, “Absolutely Positively No Visiting.”  If only we could learn to respect authority so that “No Visiting” […]

The Garden of Life

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THE GARDEN OF LIFE: Plant three rows of peas:   Peace of mind   Peace of heart   Peace of soul. Plant four rows of squash:   Squash gossip   Squash indifference   Squash grumbling   Squash selfishness. Plant four rows of lettuce:   Lettuce be faithful   Lettuce be kind   Lettuce be obedient […]

The Only Bible

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THE ONLY BIBLE Ellen Kyle  If your life was the only Bible others were able to read, How would you tell God’s story to a world in desperate need? Could those who never opened God’s book still learn of God’s love and care? Would they see a Christ-like example, the one God tells us to […]

Tips to Get Rid of Gossip . . .

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Tips to Get Rid of Gossip: the Three Filter Test In ancient Greece, Socrates was reputed to hold knowledge in high esteem. One day an acquaintance met the great philosopher and said, “Do you know what I just heard about your friend?” “Hold on a minute,” Socrates replied. “Before telling me anything I’d like you to […]

Think About This

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Think About This As you got up this morning, I watched you, and hoped you would talk to me, even if it was just a few words, asking my opinion or thanking me for something good that happened in your life yesterday. But I noticed you were too busy, trying to find the right outfit […]

The Tragedy of Gossip

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The Tragedy of Gossip Author Unknown The story is told of the woman who became conscious stricken because of her gossiping ways. She went to the preacher, confessed her sin of spreading malicious rumors about her neighbors; and after the preacher prayed with her for God’s forgiveness, she asked what could she do to repair […]

“Daddy, Who Left the Lights On?”

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“Daddy, Who Left The Lights On?” Passing the church building one Sunday evening where they attended morning worship, two “Christian” parents’ little girl exclaims, “daddy, somebody left the lights on.  We should stop and turn them off.” The parents drove on in silence.  Later at home, they decided they had better start attending evening worship.  […]

Waiting Too Long

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Waiting Too Long Once a man standing by Niagara saw an eagle sitting on a lamb frozen in a piece of ice.  The eagle was feasting upon the carcass as it drifted towards the rapids.  Now and then the eagle proudly lifted his head to look around, as if to say, “I’m drifting toward danger, […]


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Impatience A young man visited an aged saint and asked him to pray that he might become more patient.  The older man agreed to pray  The two knelt together and the man of God began to pray: “Lord, send this young man tribulation in the morning, and send him tribulation in the afternoon….”  The young […]

Daddy, What Is a Christian?

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Daddy, What Is A Christian? A little boy once asked his father, “Daddy, what is a Christian?” The father thought for a minute, then replied, “Son, a Christian believes in God and in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  He has heard the gospel of Christ and in faith obeyed it.  This means that he […]

Strong & Weak Tea . . .

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Strong and Weak Tea; Strong  and Weak Christians (From Biblical Preaching) Consider the difference between a strong and weak cup of tea. The same ingredients, water and tea, are used for both. The difference? The strong tea results from the tea-leaf’s immersion in the water longer, allowing the water to get into the tea-leaves and […]

Let Your Light Shine

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Let Your Light Shine I read the following story a few years ago and copied it. I hope you will give it some very thoughtful consideration A traveler came to a small village. Night was coming and people were hurrying through the streets carrying bronze lamps. When he asked about this, the reply was that […]

Spiritually Blind

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Spiritually Blind Many years ago a preacher who faithfully proclaimed the gospel was challenged by an unbeliever who stepped from the crowd and said “I don’t believe in heaven or hell. I don’t believe in God or Christ. I haven’t seen them.” Then a man wearing dark glasses came forward and said, “You say there […]

Don’t Be Like the Flea

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DON’T BE LIKE THE FLEA ‘Tis said that a flea rode across a bridge one day in the ear of an elephant. After they were on the other side, the flea said to the elephant, “Boy, we sure shook that bridge.” Too many church members ride on the efforts of others but are ready to […]

Robbing God

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ROBBING GOD A Chinese preacher, speaking of robbing God, used this illustration: “It came to pass that a man went to market with a string of seven coins, and after seeing a beggar in great need who asked for alms, gave him six of the seven, keeping only one for himself. Instead of being grateful, […]

Diary of the Bible

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DIARY OF THE BIBLE January: A busy time for me. Most of the family decided to read me through this year. They kept me busy for the first two weeks. I’m now forgotten. February: My owner used me for a few minutes last week. He had an argument and was checking references. March: Grandpa visited […]

A Note for the Preacher

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A NOTE FOR THE PREACHER Bob Pulliam I found your note on the door the other day. I just imagine that you came by to see why we were not at the services last Sunday. Well, I feel that I should explain so there will be no misunderstanding. You know that one thing we will […]

Are You A Rusty Nail?

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“Are You A Rusty Nail?” A strong magnet may be held over an old rust-eaten shapeless nail without meeting any response. A bright, shining nail will leap to the magnet, attract another and through it draw yet another until several are attached. That is how Christians are. A really genuine, active, shining Christian has a […]

Finger On A Verse

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Finger On A Verse The story is told of a lady who had an unusual mode of Bible study which she later had to abandon. She in early mornings after quickly flipping through pages of the Bible, with her eyes closed, would bring her finger down on a verse. She would then open her eyes, […]

How Do I Do That?

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HOW DO I DO THAT? Wendell Ward Once upon a time there was a centipede with a serious problem. He had arthritis! A centipede couldn’t have anything much worse than arthritis. He decided to go to the wise old owl for a solution. The wise old owl listened to his plight and advised him to […]

The Carpenter!

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THE CARPENTER! Once upon a time, two brothers who lived on adjoining farms fell into conflict. It was the first serious rift in 40 years of farming side-by-side, sharing machinery and trading labor and goods as needed without a hitch. Then the long collaboration fell apart. It began with a small misunderstanding and it grew […]

A Love Story

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A Love Story There was once a little boy whose sister who needed a blood transfusion. The doctor explained that she had the same disease her brother had recovered from two years earlier. Her only chance for recovery was a transfusion from someone who had previously conquered the disease. Since the two children shared the same rare […]

Flying Off the Handle

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Flying Off the Handle “He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.” (Prov. 16:32) The expression, “Fly off the handle,” is used when one quickly loses his temper. The original expression comes to us from the use of tools. After tools […]

Life Without Lumps

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LIFE WITHOUT LUMPS A carpet-layer had worked an hour past the time he was supposed to be home.  As he was picking up his tools, he noticed a lump underneath the carpet.  He felt his shirt pocket for his cigarettes (which he shouldn’t have had anyway), and sure enough, they were gone. Unwilling to spend […]

“Lord, Hit Him Again”

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“LORD, HIT HIM AGAIN” L.L. Brigance once told his class about a congregation trying to finance a new roof for a meeting house.  The men were meeting to see if the amount could be raised.  One man said, “I’ll give two dollars.”  Another, “I’ll give three.”  Then all eyes turned to Brother T. Wad, who […]

Saved by Saving

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Saved by Saving A man was walking over the mountains through a terrible snowstorm.  He gradually grew colder and colder until at last, he stumbled and fell.  He said to himself, “I shall never be found.  This is the end.” He thought he was too weak to rise, but as he fell, his hand fell […]

The Intoxicated Cat

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THE INTOXICATED CAT John Clark A letter in the newspaper was written by an unhappy woman who complained that her husband thought it funny to make her pet cat drunk by pouring gin in its milk.  The distressed woman complained that the cat would dance like mad, stagger around in circles, and finally fall in […]

“Christian Football”

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“Christian Football” Quarterback Sneak – Church members quietly leaving during the invitation. Draw Play – What many children do with the bulletin during worship. Halftime – The period between Sunday School and worship when many choose to leave. Bench-warmer – Those who do not sing, pray, work, or apparently do anything but sit. Backfield-in-Motion – […]

“I Feel I Am Saved”

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“I Feel I Am Saved”    A gospel preacher was talking to a woman who said she knew she was saved.  The preacher said, “How do you know you are saved?”  She made the following reply, “I was attending a religious service one time and all of a sudden I felt light as a feather—I […]

Something to Think About

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SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT  “One day when I was about eight, I was playing beside an open window while Mrs. Brown confided to my mother a serious problem concerning her son.  When Mrs. Brown had gone, my mother realizing I had heard everything, said, ‘If Mrs. Brown had left her purse here today, would we […]

You Can’t Please Everybody

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YOU CAN’T PLEASE EVERYBODY Jimmy Tuten I am reminded of an old Spanish parable about a man, a boy, and a donkey.  They were all three walking down a dusty road on a hot summer day.  Someone passed and they overheard him say, “Look at those foolish people walking when they could be riding the […]

Wisdom from A Young Heart

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WISDOM FROM A YOUNG HEART One day a small boy was seated around the dinner table and heard a larger boy complaining about having to eat cauliflower.  The big boy raved on and on about how awful it smelled and how it tasted.  Finally the little boy, not quite eight years old, looked at the […]

Teacher Read This

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TEACHER READ THIS A little boy sat in the Bible School one Lord’s day morning.  He listened as the teacher talked of the importance of the kingdom of God.  “It must come first,” the teacher said.  The lad was greatly impressed because the teacher seemed so sincere.  That night the little boy came back to […]

A Tree or a Post

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A Tree or a Post Frank Jamerson  “A tree and a post stood side by side. At first, the tree was small and slender, and could have been easily broken off. The post was large and solid and supported a fence. The forces of nature began their work and the post rotted and fell to the […]

“And I Thought I Was A Liar”

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“AND I THOUGHT I WAS A LIAR” “Therefore, putting away lying, ‘Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor,’ for we are members of one another.” (Eph. 4:25) A little boy visited his aunt, who reprimanded him for telling a lie. “Do you know,” she warned, “what happens to little boys who tell […]

Newton’s Model

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Newton’s Model The story is told that he had an atheistic friend who did not believe in God. Sir Isaac devised a plan to try to convince his friend that God did exist and had created the Universe. One day, he went to a carpentry shop and asked the owner to make a model of […]

A Bad Example

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A Bad Example Did you ever see a river that was as straight as an arrow?  Most likely not.  Streams generally wind back and forth from the time they gush out of a lake until they find repose in the bosom of the deep.  And why is it the river is never straight?  Let a […]


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Gossip Mildred, the church gossip, and self-appointed monitor of the church’s morals, kept sticking her nose into other people’s business. Several members did not approve of her extracurricular activities, but feared her enough to maintain their silence. She made a mistake, however, when she accused George a new member, of being an alcoholic after she […]

The Duck Church

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The Duck Church  One fine Sunday morning, the ducks gathered for duck church. They waddled into their duck pews, sang from their duck song books, and listened to their duck preacher. The duck preacher said, “Ducks, you don’t have to waddle. You have wings like eagles. You can fly! Fly, ducks, fly! The ducks all […]

True Riches

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True Riches author unknown  One day a father and his rich family took his son to a trip to the country with the firm purpose to show him how  poor people can be. They spent a day and a night in the farm of a very poor family.  When they got back from their  trip […]

Death Notice

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“Death Notice” Bill Crews I can’t died last week.  He had long been a member of the church, but was never faithful. Brother Compromise was the only one available to direct the service. Services were held in the parlor of Maybe Tomorrow Funeral Home.  Attending as pallbearers were Neglect, Indifference, Never Try, and Get Somebody Else, all close relatives of the deceased. The body was buried in […]

Get the Man Together For A Better World

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“Get the Man Together For A Better World” Clarence DeLoach A small boy anxiously waited all day for his dad to get home. Finally his father arrived dragging his body into the house from an especially hard day’s work. The little boy had all kinds of playful ideas he wanted to share with his father. Over […]

It Must Be Applied

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It Must Be Applied A gospel preacher met an acquaintance, a soap manufacturer, on the street.  All about the two men were evidences of worldliness and sin, in the flashing signs advertising liquor, in the shadowy stairways leading to questionable places of amusement, and even in the language tossed into the air by a careless […]

Two Wolves

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Two Wolves: An elder Cherokee Native American was teaching her grandchildren about life. She said to them, “A fight is going on inside me…it is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The […]

Today . . .

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Today…   I woke up early today, excited over all I get to do before the clock strikes midnight.  I have responsibilities to fulfill today.  I am important.  My job is to choose what kind of day I am going to have. Today I can complain because the weather is rainy, or I can be thankful […]

Hymns–The Way We’d Sing Them . . .

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HYMNS — THE WAY WE’D SING THEM IF WE WERE HONEST I Surrender, Some There Shall Be Sprinkles of Blessings Fill My Spoon, Lord Oh, How I Like Jesus He’s Quite a Bit to Me I Love to Talk About Telling the Story Take My Life and Let Me Be It Is My Secret What […]

Just For You

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Just For You Author Unknown    A man found a cocoon of a butterfly.  One day a small opening appeared. He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through the little hole.  Then it seemed to stop making any progress.  It appeared as if it had gotten […]

Two Frogs

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Two Frogs Two frogs were playing on the rafters of a dairy barn one night and fell into adjoining pails of cream.  Both frogs scrambled for survival, but one fought longer and harder, and stayed the course. When the farmer came in the next morning, he found one frog floating on the top of the cream, dead; and the […]

The Parable of the Lifesaving Station

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The Parable of the Lifesaving Station There was once a crude little life-saving station on a dangerous seacoast where shipwrecks often occur. The building was just a hut, and there was only one boat, but the few devoted members kept a constant watch over the sea, and with no thought for themselves, they went out […]

Worms for Sale

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WORMS FOR SALE It is an old story, but is still worth telling.  A lark, singing in the high branches of a tree, saw a traveler walking through the forest carrying a mysterious little black box. The lark flew down and perched on the traveler’s shoulder. “What do you have in the little black box?’ […]

When the Wind Blows

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When The Wind Blows Years ago, a farmer owned land along the Atlantic seacoast.  He constantly advertised for hired hands.  Most people were reluctant to work on farms along the Atlantic.  They dreaded the awful storms that raged across the Atlantic, wreaking havoc on the buildings and crops. As the farmer interviewed applicants for the […]

How Far Can You See?

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How Far Can You See? Sam, an old man, was a witness in a burglary case. The defense lawyer asked Sam, “Did you see my client commit this burglary?” “Yes,” said Sam , “I saw him plainly take the goods.” The lawyer asks Sam again, “Sam, this happened at night. Are you sure you saw […]

Cheetahs and Christians

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Cheetahs and Christians Mike Johnson  The fastest land animal is a large cat called a cheetah.  It can run like a car driving down the interstate—almost 70 miles per hour.  The cheetah is built for running.  It has long legs, a strong, flexible spine that works as a spring, bending up and down, allowing it […]